Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE EVENINR NEWS, WILKES-BARRE, PA THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 27, 1958 26 mma state of mind that seems to tolerate such high SAFEHIGHWAYS SIB PASSION I PLYMdPJUTJIIl if torrim. Ilnim PR -l75 Sidney Moifani Horn PR -10O3 Monte. Hnm PR -l75 Sidney Morgan; I Horn rn i-iiw traffic deaths and injuries as a told his listeners to yield themselves to the power of God so that they might receive His gifts and fit into His work. Rev. Mr.

Roe announced his topic tonight will he "In Gethse. mane's Garden." Ruth and Bill Ohman, a brother and sister graduate work at Buckn'ell University. A an undergraduate student, he received varsity letter in four major sports and after leaving college acquired an excellent record as an athletic coach. Presently, he is head wrestling coach, assistant foot Imtt price paid for living in a fast, modern society. This assumption, however, is wrong.

Traffic- 1M WXST S1AIX STREET Dial SERVICE HELD BE HONORED AREA SCHOOUS TO TALK HEARD DOINGS TONIGHT accidents can and must be, reduced." i Highways Behind Time The present highway system; ball coach, and athleltic director! Junior Choir will prartkf to-'CLOSE FOR EASTER Plvmouih BoreueH -Pu one: at Bloomsburg. Entertainment will be provid- lf If llll II I A School will close tomorrow afternoon for the Easter is 30 years "behind the times Bight at 6:30 in St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Praver service will be conducted tonight at 7:30 in the Afl hv invTnimsvnt ai tru rmm if if ill Classes will be resumed on Tues- a 0 0 1 For high -hool comprising Phillip I I II IM I carry the nation Rev. Douglas Roe Speaker dav.

ADril 8. Cook, Ralph Lewis, William Ed team, who are members ot tna Montrose radio staffs -will pre-sent gospel music at tonight's service. Mr. Ohman and his fis-ter participated in the Dr. Billy Graham campaign In New York City last year.

-Tonight's-service begin! at 7 :30. The concluding service will be held tomorrow night. "Community Night" will be observed Ebenezer Baptist Churcn, schools) Plymouth HS Team In Larksviue, LrKsvnie. At Pilgrim Church wards and David Will. Song I III II fill according 10 reronne.

Aim rvtn (10 years -from now, when billions 0f dollars have been spent for iiminr Phoir will rehearse to- puunt- s.iiu. i rth. senior! will be closed begmn.ng Thurs- public senior rauri iur iimiikiil a hiibif- Chri-tian iday. April 3. Classes will be re- be Donald Will.

I 7:30 Choir at Rev. Douglas Roe. Montrose. sumeo an iucsuoj. nt riymoutn tugn sicnooi dbskpi- oi ine nasKemaii 3 rerrone, state.

Safety wm be 40 years "behind the Church. r-arocmai scnuois in team. 19j8 league cnam- team and coaching staff will There will be 70 million! Presented a gospel story through wtffht at 6 30 in First Welsh and Larksville areas will closeipions wW honored tonight' attend the Class A championshipl Plymouth engineer, dees Of motor vehiies on American the use of magic at the Passion, both nights. i fmVir- 1 week service last night in fl Association is sponsoring the services. Radar As Safety Aid each one adding to eongestion Congregational innin.

in theiThe theme was, "How Jesus t.ntut rhnrch inext weanesaay uiernuun, ajjiu 8t 6:30 hy Wyoming valley game on Saturday at the Penn Junior and Senior Choirs will ,2. and resume on Wednesday, Basketball League at-its annual Palestra as guests of the at 7 for combined 'April 9. 'banquet to be held In the Ameri- letic council. rearXin First pV cTurch I In Plymouth Townsh.p. schools t.an gion Homef It marks the, motorist Blood Atones For rnnd trffic cn "Sin always "P''T" mg ana inus reauce tramo acci-i rit rmn" iThursdav.

Classes will be re-ed in lf47 and during those jkaRRIKD 'ss year ws cm" turned on Tuesday, April 8. vears fiymoutn. unaer uoacn Mr unrt lr Jnhn rJi.r icomy 111. ,1 ty, aj OnA ovv honored ,7 vin- street witi th.i;n?s-lvania in the near future r. lin.

John Mergo, has been SHOP, Shwnt Theatw SuilcUttf. PR run inn all hut Ihrrx mansions 'n-r33rrt wedding anniversary toraoiCiW S-muelPerrone. Old Forge be as white as JfXIORS WTX LOCAL' SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP In a game played yesterday afternoon the Junior All Stars defeated the Sophom*ore All Stars by a score of 70 to 65 to win the inter-class basketball championship for 1958 at Davenport High School. Hakim scored 30 points. Cooper 22 and Dwyer 13 for the Lonrn.

ui ii.o" tne non-irnw h.vino m.rri aieiy engineer tor tne state ,.1. k. a th.v,- PIEKOOl aalei itico*ke was recipient 01 Pierogi will be on sale on Fri- HOSPITAL PATIENT l0rs in 1931. 1955 and ot vi.rh io'i; in im oureau 01 nignway saieiy, an v. 1 m.o at I I I CI CJ .1 m.

.1. I oay rrom iu m. iu 1 v. m. twuuu caincj, uian jjiyme tvans, nign scnooi w.lvh Raniist aaaress ibsi niKiu oeiore mem- this possible to all who believe, St.

Casimir's Church basem*nt, Ktreet. is a medical patient in principal, be toastrwaster at rvnnn Vvn then bfrs of the Kiwanis Club of avoided if only motorists were thoughtful enough to give way The service was in charge of 'Wyoming Valley Hospital. Itonight's affair. The Lyndwood. high light n.tor' (Plymouth.

President Thomas a little to another driver. the host pastor. Rev. Herbert of the events will be the Th a. iiibiintu r.iiuu acsfiuii was 'Juniors, Prochaska had 24 points.

Anderson. Mrs. Anderson u- 1 iheld in the Veterans' of Foreign 7 7 i "I cher in the SomervUle. N. Mazur 19.

Batanus and Thomas It each for the sophom*ores. 1...,. High School, and one Merao David Carpenter. Brief remarks will be given' is 10rmer by Kenneth Smith, league presi.rYUJlaras- dent, and Walter Tallgren, chair-1 man of high schoal athletic ST. CLARY'S GROl'P Wars Home West Main street ieorge m.

Leaner in ms ei ions, tne organist and Mrs. r.aun mii-Perrone speaking on "This''0 reduce traffic accidents injiard played the piano. Rev. Rich-Problem of Traffic Accidents "ith State. The Governor, he ard Purncll was song leader.

Pil-acknowledged that legislation has appointed a 25-man grim Church Choir sang two enabling the State to use radar board to studythe ra iCjselections. has failed of passage because o' problem in the In his preaching message Rev. opposition on the part of the! "Slow down and live" and Mr. Roe used as. his theme, 'Why motnrinir tHihiic.

He statwt sui-ii "live and let live" were advo- Has The Church Lost Its Pow- PIiX.RIM CHVRCII TO RECEIVE MEMBERS New members will be received into the fellowship of Pilgrim Congregational Church at the 10 a. m. service on Sunday. The council. WIIX.

MEET TONIGHT Altar and Rosary Society of nnTwuiiinn 1 1 eated as slogans Kiwanians, and based his remarks on Russell Mouk. BloonKhurg COMMUNITY NIGHT PASSION WEEK SERVICES 7:30 P. M. PILGRIM CHURCH Shawnee and Center A. W.

EVANS AU Makes and Models ef ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES REPAIRED Shop Opei 1 P.M. ti P.M. COH WEST SHAWNEE AVENUE hi ORCHARD STREET CALL PR 9-3378 will he St Mary's Nativity Church will 0.1, others, oueht to keep in mind, Romans "God has a State Teachers Co leee pastor, Rev. Herbert Anderson, Rj.riar" said Peronne "would as they drive on the nation'siplace for each one of us." hewju use the theme, "Peter's highways. said.

"Are You In It? Do you Denial," in nis i-'aim sunaay guest speaker. He is a grad-'hold its monthly meeting the uate of Lock Haven State Teach-ischool on Willow street tonight ers College and completed his at 7:30. The rosary will be recited in the church at 7:15. message. be used only as a means of curbing speeding motorists and not as a money-making proposition for small town constables or police forces.

In 1957 there were Dr. Joseph Smith, program i nave mat assurance and can you chairman, introduced Perrene. I proclaim it? Feeling and knowl-Thomas Hughes led In group edge are two different things singing. Michael J. Bochnik askedjand the latter is more important.

Let us fill your Easter basket now. Seras Community Candy. Rev. Mr. Roe pointed out that nearly 40,000 persons, including 'invocation, PIEROGI SALE a ckkuc i turn Chwfi r.uu Sponsored bjr the Women o( 1.700 Pennsy vanians.

killed in FISH AMI CHIPS EVERY FRIDAY KIM UDE5 TO TAKE OUT 9U SHAWNEE SANDWICH SHOP '58 SEASON traffic accidents, with about one PLAX FOR if each member of the church would use the sift that God has given there, would be a mighty revival in our churches today. He pointed out also that Romans Plans for the 19j8 basenau SN. Peter and Paul'a G. C. Church EXRY FRIDAY Km to I f.

M. riwrh Buwarnt KKGLER SCORFS In the AMVETS Ladies in ty t.jnffn fit Rrclaii th All and one-half million others being injured. "Americans," said Peronne, Shawnee Theatre Bid. PR 1-8161 tmnm m. Ortm Ukm at rt -lH season will be made at a meeting of the Teeners League to be held Monday night at 8 at the American Legion Home.

contains seven gifts fmir nninte fi-nm th Oil ketwrta i A. M. ua II Sm able to church members nd with Mildred War-. SENSATIONAL 00 FOOD OUT THEY GO po hitting 223-539 for the win-1 ners while Ann Usdilla bowled 13-434 for the losers. The Greeks took threrjinlnt from the AMVETS Auxiliary with Jul Gillette bowling 207.

531 for the Creeks while HHen Mikalonis bowled 194-477 for tha ft T. li V. For Easter-BUY DULA'S 115 Denim Lane, Plymouth FLOWKItS PR I-17M LOW PRICE CANOIIS Auxiliary. SALE Standings: Children's Patent Leather Slippers PERFECT fir EASTER Won Lost Pti. 27 6 37 22 11 29 im 21H 16H 27 'i 514 Greeks All Stars AMVETS Aux.

Shawneettes ORDER YOUR EASTER HAMS Vjlues ti 56 DO L7 Franks Ik Pigs Feet 7 Heck Bones 8 Beef Kidneys 7 Lb I GET A I'ph NEW RECIPE. PIEROGI SALE Auxiliary will gell piercgi tomorrow from 10 a. m. to 4 o. m.

at St. Michael's' Hall. Breslau. Twenty-eight of the 48 states permit nonresident motorists identical privileges granted in his home state without necessity of changing license plate and driving licenses. PLEASE ORDER EARLY Sold Exclusively In Plymouth Al- ROAN'S DRUGSTORE 159 EAST MAIN ST.

PR 9-9882 0 Black Hawk 0 Swift's Premium NOW GOING AT $97 $27 $23T fr. Save on EASTER SHOKS For Tha Entire Family THE FAMILY SHOE STORE T. RAY ROVINSKI, Prop. 103 East Main St. Plymouth C98 HALLMARK hi IUSTCRAFT EASTER CARDS ti rHr Hiim tl That Kprriaf ftuwm rr IkiHrm Hn4 m4 ftp.tial Titles fr Kp.HU rrMra tint CmmIm Car.

Aha Have Hrlrn K. SaUhurf'i Ranter CARD GIFT SHOP a strut Qt SAUCEPAN Oscar Mayer Also Homemade Fres-h Smoked KIELDASSI TESKE'S MARKET 148 East Main St. PR 9-9195 798 $10.50 D2 Qt. DOUBLE BOILER SHOP AND SAVE AT HOME FURNITURE STORE FOn A QUALITY and EASTER IS IJmlUd time only! Two big Beef Liver 4 Lt 51 Mine) Bologna ffi. Ground Beef ENDS OF SLICED Bacon 3i Smk'd Picnics ffi.

Chuck Roast Si 1 Stewing Yeal 3 Lk-M Stew'g Lamb 7 s1 Yeal Chops 2i J1 Pork Losn 2J Ll J1 Cod Fillet 3 Pure Lartf 5 Lb s1 Oleo 5 uperialf in Revere Ware! CHICKEN PIE FREE WHEN YOU BUY TWO SWANS0N MEAT PIES 0n must be thicken Pit, ttit other any variety (Chicken, Beef or Turkey). See Details it Our n7tn Food Dept. rTQ "Just Around the Corner," I'hone your ofder PR Main Birds But We're On The Main Street With A Gaylord Large Selection Latest Styles MILLINERY Complete Line of Your (S3 MEAT PIES EASTER NEEDS! PRICED FROM $28 Up SMALL DhTOMT 4 'l9 99 Dress Up With New CHICKEN TURKEY BEEF WILL HOLD TIL WANTED .1 BIG Spring Dresses rnrrYou cET abox spring free I kiLL ON THIS SPECIAL OFFER Prices As Low As Fresh Pork (.) -43c LaDELLE MILLINERY mXF.V DOW. Prop. 27 East Main St.

$598 We have made a special purchase on a fine quality MATTRESS and BOX SPRINGS at Special Low Prices and in order to move them we are selling them at GREAT SAVINGS to you. Check the features they are exactly as printed. A $159.00 Value for Only $79.50 Quilted Top 0 No Buttons No Tufts Guaranteed For 10 Years EASTER SUITS "SPECIALLY PRICED" AT To Go With That New Spring Dress, A Glittering Group of New Spring Toppers $14M 1 kw S1.88 TOMATO JUICE 3 1'00 1 50 YOUR FAVORITE GUM DROPS AND SHOE-LOCKS GOING AT PEOPLE'S 000TERY 29 39 EAST MAIN PLYMOUTH CUT RED BEETS io Group ofNew SPRING SUITS io00 New Silk Mixtures and All Wool Suits Buy This MATTRES ForOnly And Get A TROPICAL PUNCH 3lc-l-00 2 FOR 1 SALE Ivy League Q5 PANTS 0 FREE BOX SPRING PEACHES $4 .00 Cent A An Ideal Gift For Easter New Spring House Dresses J485 Reg. $79-50 fflattress Plus 579.E0 Box Spring (10 year guarantee) 1. You Get Both for Only SPRING JACKETS IB'50 Enjoy Luxurious Sleeping Comfort Try your favorite sleeping position on this fine -mattress and see how comfortable you really can be.

PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 3 1-00 JUST ARRIVED 0 BOTANY SUITS FINEST CORN During This Special Sale AND CRUSHED or WHOLE 7 U-00 Tuflless Quilted Top and Bottom Precision Built Inner spring Unit Fre-built Borders Heavy Cord Handle 4 Large Flex-O-Lator Insulation Damask Ticking 0 STETSON HATS A Full Line of Skirts. Blouses and Lingerie' for Easter. This Is a Regular '159 Value PINEAPPLE JUICE For Only J79.5fl While They Last MARY LEE USE HOME EASY CREDIT TERMS SCHECTMANS MEN'S shop 27 WEST MAIN PEARS or FRUIT co*ckTAIL 4 C.nt 113 E. Main Street 4 No Carrying Charge Take Up to 18 Months to Pay fUl JT IM Evaporated MILK King Midas FLOUR 8 Marian's Chocolate, Shop 63 East Main, Plymouth Featuring First Quality Home FOR EASTER OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS FURNITURE STORE John i Zekas, Prop. Groblewski, Mgr.

7 3l East Main, Plymouth PR 9-1050 rOPPY SEED GROUND FRESH WHILE YOU WAS In the Bent In FurnUure and Appliances" HACKER'S Super Mkt FURNITURE CO. W. 'Main Plymouth PR 9-9033 Lower Jly mmrthLower Overhead Lower Prices NOVELTIES EGGS BASKETS While, Colored ind Dark ChwIMirt Popular Prlrn DAX "GABK KOSLOSRI, Tron. 'Open Friday Mtes Til 9 Other Eve ninf By Appointment' 149-153 EAST MAIN PLYMOUTH.

Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.