Tales from the crypt, Twitter quotes from the end of one "pandemic" and the beginning of another. (2024)

To be accurate and precise. I started seeing a gastroenterologist when I developed mild erosive gastritis.

In the course of 18 months, and following his stupid plan to a T, I was literally an inch from massive ulcerations.

At no moment that stupid f*ck thought he was the cause

My dad‘s cancer is back tenfold. He has had shingles since last January and still having that nerve pain. And now he has micro clots in his toes. Pretty sure that’s all related to the three vaccines he’s taken.

Yesterday's stats a bit late. It was a busy 16 hours. 31 M+F, 1 2x, 16x3 and 14x4 💉. Ages 15-67. We had 7 heart attacks, 10 blood clots, 5 strokes, 1 stillbirth, 2 miscarriages, 5 myocarditis and 1 bells palsy. We lost 3 beautiful souls 😥

#StoptheShots #DiedSuddendly






Boosts interferons

Zinc ionophore


Anti-blood clotting









If some people with "normal" cholesterol are showing up on my operating table, and some people with elevated LDL aren't showing up on my operating table, then why are we using it as the end-all-be-all to judge health?

I just got my 2nd order of Liquid Liposomal Glutathione.

I gave most of the 1st one to my Long Covid friend who says it really helps get through the ...<bleck>... lack of energy episodes.

~750mg in the belly button is my limit.

If under tongue =too much!

My sister passed away this morning. She was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer in November. I’m going to say it as it does need to be said. She had four covid vaccines and she was a very healthy woman up until then. 62 yrs old. That’s two of our siblings gone now since 2021.

Solaray Liposomal Men's Multi

Getting a blood work up next month. I’ll compare it to the one prior to taking these and let y’all know any improvements. I do know that I feel better, and don’t get fatigued at work like I used to. No upset stomach or GI issues, usually take after small meal in the a.m.

All I know is I started NAC (pm) and black seed oil (am) as a daily dose following recovery of what I believe was a flu. Felt remarkably better.

I’ve been on LDN since 2013 with great results. Put my Lab on it when she just turned 14 yrs old for numerous issues including an anal gland tumor. She got 2.0mg LDN per day & it put her anal gland tumor and other issues into remission. She lived to 2 months shy of 17.

I was on this for MS for 6 years. Worked at treat at helping me recover from bad attacks and stopped more attacks. Until my doc got barred from using it by the GMC. There’s a shock.

H202 nebulized is very common and safe (done properly). Widely used for viral infection.

I have used the Brownstein h202 nebulizer protocol for years. Very effective for any lung infection i’ve had.

(3% FG h202 diluted down to .5%, then added to simple saline in the cup)


I started taking it for fatigue/brainfog after I got the 1st covid variant( but I had been dealing with chronic fatigue for years before covid) and it helped massively with that.

So far the reg. stuff is working wonders & it's only 8 days now. I tend to react very quickly to any drug or supplement. I have fatigue relief, pain relief and a lot more motivation. I literally feel like I got reconnected or like a plugged pipe started flowing again. Only day 8!

Just talking to dad.

My little sister's mother (39) had an AR from the jab. Myocarditis & she could keep anything down. Friday she was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Her brother (37) was diagnosed with the same on the same day. They both got their 3rd shot together.😧😠😥😠


This in iv form pulled me back from the edge after getting teeth re-done, stuff is amazing!

I started taking a magnesium supplement about a week ago. Since then, I've noticed I'm sleeping longer and I've moved off the weight loss plateau I was experiencing.

yes, I saw the Chinese protocol for 2021 by Dr.Eglise,she had recommended 1mg every night (and quercetin ,Nac in low doses,i myself tried OLE half doses ,NAC, quercetin when needed and it worked decently! Melatonin + C + some niacin(100-200mg)+200-300mg Mag works great tbh..

I lost my sister last night Jay. She was fine all day yesterday. My nephew went into the house to find her dead on the floor in the kitchen at 7 pm. Damn 💉 💉 💉

My aunt comes back from her doctor. Doctor said, you might want to hold off on the booster. Four patients just came down with autoimmune disorders. Got back from cardiologist, LVN said they have so many patients sick from vax. He won’t take it. This is happening.

I've a very full stock of supplements thanks to you - have added this one today.

Also - I have no way to be certain, but I believe neem just kicked a pretty severe sinus infection in about 24 hours. It was the only thing I changed and in 24-36 hours close to 100% infection-free

Oil of Oregano is the sh*t! Gets me feeling right every time! A couple of weekends ago my husband started getting this annoying cough. I was giving him all the nutraceuticals but forgot the oil of oregano. Gave him a capsule as soon as I remembered. By the next day cough gone!

In case you feel like you are shouting into the void with all links to studies, you aren’t. There are people like me reading them, taking it on board, decinding what to start and what to stop. So don’t stop. You might help someone save their own life. So thank you.

very abridged version is jibby juice followed by malaise, bouts of intense sweating, and tachycardia within a month. I started digging into it, fell into a rabbit hole about vx and possible affects - and then I started researching what can be done

I was lucky, stumbled on the Quercertin, Zinc, Vit C, D, K2, Natto, Serra protocol that is a part of so many play lists. Within a month of startingNatto/Serra the Tachy stopped and hasn’t returned. I am still learning/modifying and I suspect I will until I can’t anymore.

I take it every day along with probiotics, turmeric with black pepper, zinc, vit. B complex with C, Co-Q10, Vit D. Lysine in the summer.

Too bad, but anyway ,due to some reason or other I stopped high dose Niacin ,NAC+ glycine for time being and started Quercetin, Curcumin,Olive leaf,5k d3+ 100mcg K2, C 2-4 grams, ECGC , resveratrol,milk thistle, ginger,berberine ,licorice,neem etc ..somehow feeling quite good!

I just spent a week taking care of, eating with, being very close to a (very symptomatic) Covid+ person. So did my mom & kids. No one in this situation got Covid -except that vaxxed person. Natural Immunity FTW.

Antihistamines like Benadryl are destroying your brain

And increase your risk of Alzheimer's

If you want to get rid of your allergies

Try the following:


Daily Bone Broth

Vitamin C (Citrus)

Raw local Honey

Black Seed Oil




I believe I can vouch for Blockbuster All Clear now. Have been taking it - caught an upper respiratory bug. Dad caught same. He is dealing with a terrible cough and I am 'all clear' save for a stopped up ear.

I have used Solgar Quercetin complex to good effect. It got me through Covid fall of 2020 and just this week with a flu/Covid/respiratory whatever. Refuse to test. They all have same symptoms.

Today's ER stats: 28 💉💉, 💉💉💉 and 💉💉💉💉. M and F ages 11-62. 5 cases of myocarditis, 6 strokes, 11 blood clots, 2 miscarriages and 4 heart attacks. All this in the span of 24 hours.

#TruthAboutMRNAVaccines #StoptheShots

I rotate through nigella sativa, quercetin, (vit c and mag always), resveratrol, pycnogenol, saffron, Olive leaf, Melatonin nightly, Ubiquinol, IP6, L-carnitine, and a few others. Plus LDN. Mainly because i’m a senior still playing pathogen whack a mole. LOL

My 15 had flu a about 5 weeks ago, covid 2 weeks ago, ugh. Thank god we have been doing everything here and double dosed when we found out. His cases were so super light (again thank god).

Just Announced... I'm going to eat steak today because:

When I stopped eating plant-based foods and started the carnivore diet my mind and body were healed of depression, arthritis, gut issues, mediocrity, acne, anxiety, and obesity, and my cholesterol and triglycerides improved.

CoQ10 deficiency is implicated in age-related diseases, including brain aging & heart disease. Oily fish/organ meat are best food sources. CoQ10 supplements (Ubiquinol best absorbed) also help prevent aging-related disease. Statin drugs reduce CoQ10 in dose/response manner.

Another friend of ours died suddenly of a heart attack this week

A active, fit, (jabbed) 50yr old 💔

Today his younger (jabbed) sister is in hospital with guess what

The jabs are targeting something in the healthy & it's terrifying - even to the unjabbed…

Yes check out FLCCC protocol I-recover. I am taking ivermectin now for jab injury. (Heart damage) It works!

US Supreme Court ruling: Covid vaccines are not vaccines. In its decision, the Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid's mRNA gene therapies is irreparable. Because the Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States, there are no further appeals.

Lactoferrin has been used for Chronic Lyme/Coinfections for a decade+. I was first put on Lactoferrin in 2013. Many Lyme Docs paved the way for current Covid Treatments. They used H C Q, Doxycycline, LDN, Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase, Glutathione, IV Vit C, D3/K2, Probiotics, etc.

Nigella Sativa (black cumin seed)

Alternative for IVM.


I don't know if I told you but a friend of my husband's life appeared to be saved in the ICU when his son secretly gave him first oil of oregano & then Oregamax. He started improving almost instantly after languishing without improvement on the standard CoVid protocol. His doctors were intrigued with the sudden turn around. He told them what he had taken upon his discharge from the ICU. He asked the ICU director what was different about his CoVid case. He told him that he was the only one that lived. They are studying his case.

My integrative recommended PEA for the severe body pain I had with long haulers. I took it along with CBD, pycnogonol, and liposomal Curcumin.

It started working right away, and full resolution in about 2 weeks. It’s my “go to” now.


The ABC will never report this.

The NSW govt’s own data shows that over the past 4 weeks; 498 quadruple vaccinated people have been admitted to hospital with Covid - and just one vaccine free person.

498 to 1





Without Histamine, entry into cells takes between 6 - 12 hours

With Histamine, it takes only 30 minutes. This effect can be treated

with Histamine H2 Receptor blockers FAMOTIDINE

I work in a private nursing healthcare facility,since the elderly had their FIFTH jab 6-8 weeks ago,we have lost 8-10 residents,more having to go into hospital.All supposedly ending with #sepsis - very strange. Keep your ears peeled @FatEmperor @JohnBoweActor

Just to say, no this isn’t a lie,obviously I can’t 100% the cause, but we usually have a more frequent rate of residents passing away Dec/Jan,not Oct/Nov,many ‘found’ dead, not expected following Jab,frequent chest infections, inc staff. I am only one not jabbed.

Same in the care home I used to work at . I was a contracted healthcare professional , I had to leave in Nov 21 as I refused the jab . From 30 residents it went down to 6 during the roll out that year . I always wondered if it was just mine ,.

Inlaws have endstage dementia and cancer both 87 only diagnose after started having jabs. We are caring for them & some basxxxrd jabbed them at home 3 weeks ago on a day we don't go to help them. They are going downhill visibly every week.

In my Mams nursing home, the residents have all suddenly & rapidly declined over the last 6 weeks. Every week we go to visit, its shocking how fast they are declining.

My father beat lung cancer with fenbendazole, I believe. Went in for chemo/radiation but got COVID. Too sick (hospitalized for months) to continue treatment but still took fenbendazole. Cancer-free not long after.

Two Runners Go Into Cardiac Arrest During Monterey Bay Half Marathon...

Runner Steven Lome, a Cardiologist, performed CPR on both...

"I just thought, crazy odds, random event that there were 2 cardiac arrests, and both happened to be right in front of me"...

- Washington Post

Increased to 9,000/180,000 Natto/Serra today after being on for a few months. Will see if its better or worse. #LongCovid Still nothing helping these f*cking muscle spasms ll over my body, including my jaws.

5 mg #melatonin 2x daily for the very sick made a huge impact!Imagine if people took melatonin at the earliest signs of COVID. Dr. Neel youtube.com/watch?v=oFsjVH… has been recommending this for close to 1000 days, and has successfully treated over 10K patients. Zero deaths so far.

I have taken nattokinase 4k IU and Serrapeptase 250k IU daily for almost 10 years. Both have their purpose and are remarkable fibrinolytics and powerful anti inflammatories, but I needed much more to get rid of LC brain fog.

I was woken up with a 6am text from a friend. Her son's bff found dead in bed this morning. 25. Healthy. Worked in finance on Wall Street. Thin. No med issues. Had to get the 💉💉for work. It really is happening.

Over the past 6 months I’ve lost 5. I was related to 4 and the 5th was the mother to my best lady friend.

Last night's ER stats: 34 M and F, ages 12-54, 💉💉, 💉💉💉 presenting with heart arrhythmia, strokes, clots, 2 miscarriages, 1 baby dead in utero, myocarditis and heart attacks. Also neurological effects such as uncontrollable spasms in 2 patients. #TruthAboutMRNAVaccines

Three people in my circle in a single week. 38 year old is dead. 46 & 44 year olds had heart surgery. 44 year old (today) had 100% blockage and now has four stents. This. Is. Awful.

This is what killed my brother in the States. We had ivermectin and HCQ and were forbidden from taking him out of hospital. They blew out his kidneys with remdesivir, and finished him off on the vent. His last text was to his lawyer saying he "I know they are killing me"

Let me blow your mind real quick: I just turned 40 & I've never had a vaccine of Anything, Ever, in my life. I have 3 kids who've never had a vaccine. ZERO REGRETS.

I've woken up to a text saying my work colleague *died suddenly*, last night, from heart attack...

This is the THIRD person aged 35-45 I personally know in less than the last month...

This was NOT happening pre mRNA "technology".


Days ago my daughter got hit w/nasty virus (took out half her school class). 103+ fever. Gave scoop of IP6. Couple hrs later - up playing! Fever stayed down. OK ever since.

Me & the 2 other kids took IP6: didn't catch what she had! 😯

Study Found 80% of C0V!D Patients Were Vitam D Deficient. The study also found that ppl who had both C0V!D & lower vitam D levels also had a higher number of inflammatory markers.

Deficient means vitam D levels less than 20 ng/mL.

High normal; 80 to 100


My sister-in-law‘s fiancé went from having no sign of cancer at all to being stage 4 on 4 different cancers in the span of months it took him to go from having his first mRNA vaccination to having his first booster. He was an MD and a surgeon.

On his deathbed, he warned his fiancé to never get another booster, and professed his regret for taking them himself.

Two deaths of people I knew personally, one brain hemorrhage that almost killed a young man, auto immune disorders that have disabled 2 I know, several others with other issues. Its maddening to watch.

30 year old coworker of my husband's died of what was diagnosed as a stroke this week. And yes, yes she was.

Just came off a long and heartbreaking shift in the ER. 67 patients ages 9-58, 💉💉 or 💉💉💉. Strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis and miscarriages ...all most likely because of the 💉 Please don't get b00sted #TruthAboutMRNAVaccines

Not my actual vision … 20/4000+ uncorrected, 20/20 corrected. Being so nearsighted increases risk of a detached retina, which i’ve had. Had laser tack: 100%.

But elevated eye pressure is now normal. Ophthalmologist hasn’t mentioned taking AREDS; retina MD has info in his office.

Our neighbors/best friends tested + for Covid 3 days ago, They are very ill. They had all 5 shots. We are taking homemade soup & other food over to them. This is truly scary. Please, please mask when out in public.

"mood improvement after 12 weeks".. try 1 hour. Someone I know prone to severe depression. I give him 2 grams LongVida Curcumin & within 1 hr he's usually humming a tune..literally 🤣

Update on nattokinase and serrapeptase. Started around a month ago. At that time I could manage a shower some days and some simple meal prep eg heating soup. Was mostly lying down all day but could manage tv. Now I am showering nearly every day. Managing light housework.

I'm taking 8000fu of nattokinase drs best. Split into 2 doses. One first thing in the morning and the other last thing at night. The serra is also drs best. Can't remember the dose but am taking 1 tablet at night. I tapered up my dose because I know it doesn't suit everyone

Cruise ship with estimated 800 COVID cases to dock in Sydney

"All passengers and crew required negative COVID tests before joining the ship, and passengers over the age of 12 and crew needed to be fully vaccinated."

I work at hospitals and I’ve heard of 3 nurses at separate hospitals being out with RSV the past month. I thought that was strange

Damn it!!! Can't catch a break!!! Now all the vaxed nurses are getting sick w RSV, the flu, catching covid for the 6th time.🤬🤦🏻‍♀..making us more short staffed. No breaks tonight 🤦🏻‍♀

Sadly it's too late. I've got 2 friends who are in their late 20s. Both got advanced stage cancer.

Ones a heart tumour, other a brain tumour. Both double/triple jabbed. Both previously fit and athletic. I'm not having it, that it's 'coincidence'.

Wow amazing conversations today! Many nurses wakening up, these boosters and flu jabs together are seeing them in hospital, families members collapsing in cardiac arrest! Many cancers and the children. God help these children.

My 55 Y/O brother died alone in July 2021 on a ventilator after the gave in remdesivir. His wife, kids or family were not allowed to see him. I'll never be the same.

One of the city cops I work with, age 41 is out on medical leave for the rest of the year.

Why? Enlarged heart and a leaky valve. While they were doing tests on it, they discovered he also has cancer. To the unasked question, the answer is: yes x3

My friends best friend died at 21 in his sleep, triple vaxxed so they could travel to Europe this summer and after the long plane ride back to Denver he died the next day. So very sad.

That same friend, she’s having a hysterectomy in December because she has polyps that keep coming back after she was forced to vax because she has a government job. Her doc confirmed it was b/c of the vax. Thankfully her kids didn’t get vax (19 & 21 yrs old)

32 yr old single mom stage 1 breast cancer in remission takes 2 Pfizer and 2 boosters per her oncologist and just admitted to hospice today

I mentioned a while back that we were seeing a rise in rapid growing and unusual cancers. Now more people are talking about them. Also seeing more MS and dementia pretty soon after the booster.

I know two people with stage 4 cancer in a short time post 💉💉💉.

My auntie died a couple of weeks ago. Found out she had stage 4 cancer on the 23rd September and died 3 weeks later.

Everywhere I turn now, people are dying from “sudden heart related issues” and having horrible reactions to the combo 💉.

Neighbor: still terribly sick for days after getting the combo jab. Her brother just died a horrible death from heart attack complications that turned the skin on his face black. Family had to pull life support. He was days post 💉💉💉💉💉.

She has seen everything I have shared with friends/family on FB for the last 3 years, yet continues to 💉 and gets sicker each time!

WTH is wrong with people?!💔😭

Yesterday, neighbor's husband told my hubby that he is really worried about his wife, said he was trying to get her to go to hospital.

Fire Dept and Ambulance is there right now....they didn't arrive with sirens going, just lights...and not in a hurry. 💔🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Still alive. Pneumonia like symptoms. Admitted to hospital tonight. ICU. All of this immediately post bivalent 💉🙏🏼💔

Don't bother trying to lie about it everybody can see what's going on, that's the 5th celebrity to be found dead in the past few days.

I’m a cardiac nurse, working today. My young male pt., who I’m recovering after his ablation, just told me he developed cardiomyopathy and dysrhythmia immediately after 2nd C19 vax. Has cost him his health and $15grand out of pocket…so far.

Julie Powell, Bestselling Author of "Julie & Julia" DEAD at 49...


Documented her yearlong mission to cook every recipe in Julia Child's book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking"...

- LA Times

NFL Coach Adam Zimmer, Dead at 38...


Had been working as an offensive analyst for the Cincinnati Bengals this season...

Worked for the Kansas City Chiefs and New Orleans Saints prior to that...

- Larry Brown Sports

Another woman, a mother of 3 in the UK just dropped dead at 34 of a pulmonary embolism after suffering a cardiac arrest. This is just the new normal why even post it.

Spanish professional golfer Luis Vega was paralyzed from the waist down after a blood clot in his spine. Luis was on vacation to America, and was required to be 💉’d to enter…

McKean, 55, died early Sunday morning at home in Loveland. The Larimer County coroner said the cause of death was a heart attack. An aide told the Colorado Sun that he didn't feel well the day before.

TWO Firefighters DEAD in the SAME New Jersey County in the Past WEEK...

One age 29, CARDIAC, found dead at home, the other age 54, they won't say cause...

- The Record, Bergen County

IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) FIGHTS CANCER:

"My cancer is 75% gone. I didn't do anything else"

"To our surprise, the patient achieved a complete remission & remains in remission 3 yrs later."

There are multiple studies suggesting IP6 fights cancer 😯- #IP6ForCancer 🧵 1/13

Agreed. My MD’s 1st course of action for high blood pressure & pain from arthritic hip was meds. So began my journey w/a personal trainer, diet and beverage changes..no more meds for me for blood pressure, and NO pain, none, in my arthritic hip. I began at 54, now strong at 59

I’m a hospice RN. No one talking about this….tons of young people with late stage ca in the last 6-8months. 🙏 praying someone is held responsible for this.

Hospice is on overload...people dying b4 any support arrives! No DC to home becuz Hospice can't intake quick enough/low staff! I'm a private Caregiver Mgr it's impossible to advocate for people right now. I found a doc that'll order meds...no Hospice supp but no more ER trips!

My friend's 31yr old Son died just over a week ago. Went into hospital with back pain he'd had for a few days; literally riddled with cancer: lung, liver, brain and most of the bones in his body including spine, skull, pelvis. Died in less than 3 weeks.

Thank you. Same age as my Son too and they were friends.

We lost our 38yr old Nephew in March; heart attack.

2 funerals this year for previously fit, healthy young men.

I have met young (seemingly healthy) people who 6-24 months later, are still experiencing lung issues post Covid. I wonder why this is the case. I took NAC when I had Covid and I found it helped right away - no lasting symptoms. If you have ongoing symptoms, I recommend NAC.

For Lyme (and bartonella), liposomal artemisinin was a game-changer and literally got me from a plateau of abt 60% better to 95%+.

Sure. Hopkington Pharmacy. I pulsed it (sometimes w tetra) 4 or 5 days on, 3 days off. Started w 2 pills/ day, went up to 4/ day. Insane herxes. Wanted to stop. Pushed through and got my life back. No exaggeration. DM me if you wanna talk. X

A friend is in the hospital after her 4th shot!!!! She couldn't move her legs. The tested her for stroke, MS, Gian Bar syndrome, cancer Dr said they're seeing all kinds of immune system issues from the Vax. She'll be in the hospital for 2wks. They're treating her with steroids.

Drummer for Band Dead Kennedys, DH Peligro, DEAD..."Accidental fall"...

Trauma to the head...

- Metro

Yes, watched video. I like his teaching style. Resveratrol and Spermadine cured my wife’s long Covid in 6 weeks!

Teacher and Head Football Coach at Fresno Unified, Dead at 37...


Kevin Williams was also an Assistant Basketball Coach...

School planned to deploy "psychologists"...

- Fresno Bee

A study from Oxford, Edinburgh and Swansea universities has found the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines have negative effectiveness against hospitalisation and death within two to three months.

Head Women’s Volleyball Coach at Columbia Basin College, DEAD...


"Collapsed" in her home...

Had served as the head men’s and women’s Volleyball Coach at Kentucky State University...

An exceptional mentor. "These girls were her passion"...

- The News Tribune

just discovered my wife’s brother-in-law (62 perfect health,athletic) just developed an agressive ( wildfire) cancer shortly after getting ‘vaccinated’ to travel to new zealand. he was against the jab but relented in order to go on vacation with his wife.😢

I am so sorry.

My daughter had a stroke after her 2nd Pfizer. It is maddening to see the injuriesbeing suppressed!!

Now they want our babies.

Yesterday we had so many b00sted with obv. side effects:

M 43, 💉💉💉 heart attack

F 47, 💉💉💉💉 stroke, clots

F 18, 💉💉💉 stroke

F 65, 💉💉💉💉, lost eye sight, clots, rashes

M 55, 💉💉💉 arrythmia

M 15, 💉💉 myocarditis

M 26, 💉💉💉 heart attack


This week 5 clients told me their family members have heart problems after vax just recently. My last appointment today told me her friends baby just died at 4 days old, mom was vaxxed 2 months before giving birth. The injury stories are a daily occurrence at this point😭

My strong healthy husband was given 10 days of Remdesivir, Vented, ECMO, Kidney Failure and Cardiac Arrest. Murdered Jan 16 2021. Pure torture.

Why did that High School Cheerleader just die?

18 year olds dying from illnesses that people don't get until they are 94.

Maplewood, New Jersey Police Chief Jimmy DeVaul, Dead at 53...


- Patch

😡😢 a boy in grade 12 at a school in Toronto - Upper Canada College- suddenly passed away today. Yes he was jabbed as this school has mandated that all students get jabbed in order to attend. My heart goes out to his grieving family 🙏🏻

20 year old Regan Lewis from Kansas was mandated to get a covid shot to complete her clinical trials to be a Registered Nurse. She went into cardiac arrest the next day and died. I don't understand how this doesn't bother people...😡😡😢🙏

My childhood friend, a hard working man and loving father in his 30s, had unexplained chest pain this weekend, and went down to rest...never got up. People asked if he was vaxxed--ya, he was falling asleep driving back to see his kids on the weekends and wanted to fly.

Varsity High School Cheerleader, DEAD at 18...


Perfectly healthy until Sunday evening...

Victoria Moody, was a senior at North Little Rock HS...

"I just don’t really understand how it happened, or why it happened" -Moody’s older sister-

- fox16

8-year old Laurinha #diedsuddenly after experiencing headaches, chest pain, fever and short breathe. She was vaccinated…

🇦🇺 Australian popstar Tyson Illingworth has been partially paralyzed by Moderna. 5 doctors have concluded it’s the 🪡, but are afraid to go public because they’ll be blacklisted by medical industry.

Sonic The Hedgehog Artist and Sega Legend Rieko Kodama, DEAD at 58...

One of the first prominent female game developers, and producer of Skies Of Arcadia...

- Metro GameCentral

Note: Death announcement was delayed for 5 months with no cause or manner of death provided…

Nearby freshman in high school died and 23 year old hospital worker suddenly died too

Northern Illinois University Student Found Dead in Dorm Complex...

Campus police and paramedics from the DeKalb Fire Department responded to an emergency call regarding an unconscious student...

Attempted life-saving measures...

- Rockford WIFR-LD

French Road Bicycle Racer Audrey Cordon-Ragot, 33, Suffers "Stroke"...

Doctors were [initially] unable to work out what was wrong, suggesting diabetes and prescribing anti-dizziness medication...

Confirmed when French Federation ordered her to undergo MRI...

- Cycling News

Emmy-Winning Producer Ben Feigin, DEAD at 47...

"Pancreatic Cancer"...

- LA Times

Friend's husband just dropped dead from a sudden heart attack. No health issues at all. Now she gets to raise a kid by herself. That's how the unpandemic is going.

Zac Brown Band's John Driskell Hopkins, Diagnosed with ALS...

Lou Gehrig's Disease...

- CBS News

My sister’s 22 y/o son, who was in transition to become a girl, hung himself last night. Estrogen did not make him happier.


💯- every single jabbed team member under me has been sick multiple times in the past 3 years. Just lost a dear friend for reasons doctors can’t explain after her jab. I know several who haven’t taken the jab and have zero issues, myself included.

Ashley @Laughterizbest

So had my levels checked on this like I do every few months and for the first time ever, I was low in glutathione - AND I take NAC every day. Obviously, my body is sucking it up to fight something (spike protein likely). Functional doc prescribed this:

I've improved my health a TON over the last 2 years, and as I said take NAC every day and have never been low on my labs before, so If I'm down I can't imagine how many people who have gotten the shot and/or multiple infections are likely deficient in Glutathione

✅ my mom is 91. Heart failure. AFib. Etc. I give her CoQ10, selenium, B vits. Etc. 2 years ago she had 4 hospitalizations. Including one each after each Pfuzer shot. Last year no hospital admissions. Of course she is also on standard meds

Remember when they said we were not welcome at their concerts? And now, the same people have canceled their concerts because for some unknown reason they keep collapsing and/or dropping dead on stage. Ironic.

Me: The vaccine triggered POTS, MCAS, small fiber neuropathy, tinnitus, vasculitis, blood clotting, and more. All backed by scientific studies, 100+ pages of doctor notes.

Gov't: No soup for you!

If you're injured by the shot, there is NO safety net. You will be left to die.

The family of the Princeton student found dead actually expected school and state officials would organize a press briefing…

I know 4 pple who died suddenly over past 50 yrs (bleed on brain, alcoholic/heart attack, >80 heart attack, >75 lung tumour).

and 3 more in last 6 months!

F mid 40 at airport going on hols, dropped dead

F mid 50 went to bed not well, died,

M late 60 died while driving car

I’m a Lymie (the tick sort, not the UK sort) and glutathione worked shockingly well. I didn’t vote as I didn’t want to skew your poll but wanted to mention.

My 2nd cousins son ended his life 2 nights ago because of dans vaccine mandates & the extreme vilification/bullying he experienced because of his vaccine status,his grandfather recently died cause of the jab..he spent a lot of time volunteering in his local community, he was 24

I needed answers , mRNA vaccine replaces natural mRNA within cell to produce spike proteins which causes cardiovascular damage, myocarditis,thrombosis ,Pulmonary embolism, strokes ,paraplegia etc 2.Why unlicensed/experimental vaccination rolled out in rush with indemnity?

No idea! I’ve been limping for months. I saw a GP who tested my leg and my thigh is very weak. It feels like I have to tell my leg what to do while walking. She sent me straight to neurology. Well.. April 2023

I’m double vaccinated and had a booster. I will never get a vaccine for anything ever again. I potentially have nerve damage in my leg because of the booster or second vaccine.

I'm 37 yr OLD who had @pfizer vaccine and 2 weeks later had myocarditis and blood clots that caused a "Widowmaker" heart attack. Had to get pacemaker/ICD, 2 STINTS, and now in CHF that isn't getting better. #vaccineinjuries

Breaking: Megyn Kelly announces that her 58-Year-Old sister died suddenly of a heart attack over the weekend.

Radio DJ Drops Dead LIVE ON AIR While Presenting Morning Breakfast Show...

Music stopped halfway through a song...

Tim Gough, 55, had been on air for GenX Radio Suffolk for an hour...

- Wales Online

A doctor to keep.

I took first 2 doses of poison as I had to travel overseas. Shortly after 2nd shot I noticed heart pumping really hard; never had that before. I mentioned it to my doctor & couldn't believe when he said, "that proves the vax is working."

I no longer trust him

Seen my doctor last week for the first time in 18 months. He asked so what boaster are you on? I said none and I’m not vaxxed at all. He said I’m so happy for you. He said he is scared of what is to come from these vaccines. Wake up ppl these vaccines are the virus

We just admitted a 9 year old with heart problems. Was healthy until last week when parents forced him to have a b00ster. His BP is 189/130. I dont think he will survive and I'm crying now cause nothing we do helps. Please people wake up! #TruthAboutMRNAVaccines

His son is dead at 26 from a heart attack and this man was calling other people "stupid".

He called other people "stupid" because they did their own research, and made an intelligent and informed risk/benefit analysis, and made their own personal healthcare decision.

18 year-old Kayla Rose Lumpkins passed away. Kayla went to sleep and never woke up. She graduated with honors from the top percentage of her class at Naaman Forest High School in 2022. She had three doses.

Every single Covid patient that I am treating in the hospital has been vaccinated, and most boosted too.

My friends husband just got his….Heart attack in hospital now.

A friend's mother in law got her 4th and flu at the same time on Thursday, felt ill after. Friday said she was better, yesterday went to see her neighbour and collapsed at 1pm. Admitted straight to hospital via ambulance, clots found and suspected stroke.

Died 5am this morning.

Video Shows Bihar Professor Collapse On Stage During Speech, DEAD of a HEART ATTACK...

Video of Professor Rananjay Singh has gone viral on social media...

- ndtv

You’ve helped many others. Currently on a trip to help a fam member. Throwing supplements, including lipo products, at the problem. Turned the corner w/o Tami and Pax. Thanks for all your posts.

No doubt. And they’re lucky they haven’t joined the ever-growing list of died suddenlies in our circle of mutual friends and acquaintances. Or those with sudden rare cancers now. There are none so literally blind as those who refuse to see.

I know a married couple suffering the same. Both of them! Detached retinas and surgeries. Wearing eyepatches. They both still refuse to even consider it might be from the thing.

I know one guy who is now legally blind in one eye after the shots. I know another guy who just paid $50,000 for eye surgery for his detaching retinas and it's now getting worse. Both also have neurodegeneration following the shots. I've seen others go permanently blind.💉☠️

GAUTENG, South Africa - Three School Pupils, Ages 8, 10, and 10, Dead Suddenly Over the Weekend...

- 8-year-old boy dead on school transport

- 10-year-old girl died on the way home from school

- 10-year-old girl dropped dead after "collapsing" in class

- citizen co za

Horror as 15-year-old boy collapses and dies in Browns restaurant while out with his family and friends

I am prayerful. I got my mom to take proteolytic enzymes and black seed oil. My parents took the liposomal glutathione I sent them to take before/after vax doses. They took liposomal C when exposed to Covid when watching the grandkids, plus some herbs. So far, so good. 🙏😭

I took my first dose of LDN last night to treat my #LongCovid and it worked great! (.25mg)

An hour after I took it, the pain in my body subsided, and then I gently fell asleep, and stayed asleep all night. No nightmares! I woke up feeling refreshed and even optimistic. 😭💕👏🏽

My sister has joined the died suddenly club. RIP Sis.

Won’t be on Twitter for a bit.

Been taking quercetin, zinc, vit C & D for over a yr & got some for my elderly father. Still no covid. I am un💉,been around ppl with it & in a high risk job.None of my several un💉friends have had covid but nearly all my 💉friends & family had it once or twice.


1. boost gluthatione - N-Acetyl Cysteine +Alpha Lipoic Acid + Selenium

2.Remove junk circulating in blood - Serrapeptase + Zeolite + Activated charcoal

3. Reduce Inflammation - Curcumin + Fish Oil

4. Increase cellular energy - Good b complex + extra B1 (thiamine) + Mag.

I saved my wife who was dying in hospital with their protocols with n acetyl cysteine and oregano oil.

They are finding students dead or unresponsive in Colleges all over the country and then making up off-the-wall excuses for it.

My moms friend got her booster and blacked out driving home from CVS and flipped her car and broke her wrist. It’s crazy. And these incidents are not being reported.

I know 5 people who got the new bivalent booster. All 5 have recently been diagnosed with Covid, mere weeks after the booster. No one else I know has come down with Covid this month.

Been saying this for over two years. Liposomal glutathione and C are game changers for health. And also knocks out the you know what in less than a day to anyone I’ve mentioned it to.

Injections are one option, however I just take Pure Encapsulations softgels.

Neighbor's college-aged kid just died in her sleep.

Tonight we went out to dinner with a friend who works for company that insures public municipals, they said “there have been so many college students randomly drop over and die.”

During this round of Covid, I tried something different and hubs didn't. I used colloidal silver on a Q-Tip in the nose twice a day. Put a few drops in warm water and gargle. Never got a severe sore throat or stuffy nose. Hubs did. I am recovering much faster. 75% better day 3.

Me: you're in the hospital with pneumonia??

Patient: yes.

Patients wife: yes, he just had the 4th Covid injection, the new bivalent one, a flu shot and the pneumonia shot all at once!!

Me: 🙄

Patients wife: 😬

My sister - 45 died last week of sudden cardiac arrest. And it’s the vaccines ‘until proven otherwise’. People can’t seem to join the dots.…..

In England, 63,000 people died within 7 weeks of receiving their COVID booster shot between January and March of 2022.


Heartbroken. Just bumped into a young mum who works at the local café, fresh from her hospital appt.

12 days after her 3rd Pfizer she developed issues with balance and hearing. The Drs are gaslighting her that it’s “coincidence”.

Does anyone know tips to help her heal & detox?

Myocarditis in my nephew

Death of sister in law after 1st Moderna

Loss five other ppl I personally knew in 2021-22

My 28 year old friend was forced to get the @pfizer vaccine. Yesterday she was rushed to the ER with an intracranial aneurysm rupture. She died at 3:17 am. Leaving behind her husband and 6 month old baby boy.

My sisters husband was found dead this morning. Had his booster 2 days ago! It’s on now!


22 year old College Soccer player DEAD in dorm room, 17 year old High School kid DEAD at Choir practice, NOW an 18 year old COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYER IS DEAD!

Where are AUTOPSY RESULTS and CAUSE OF DEATH on these young people?

I want this information NOW.

Leave me out of it tho, please 😂

I already blasted his ass on a phone call , I am battling Pfizer, no energy for small fish like he. I have 4 attorneys working on a HMO lawsuit, seems they did NOT dilute my vaccine!

Look up Tom Renz, lawyer on here, follow him. I'm also working with two Senators, and am one of the few vax injured to get a direct call from CDC, that turned into a 4 hour conference call the following day. CDC knows. They are Fd.

I used the xlear spray when I woke up sick, knocked it out quick. Friend of mine sister was doing bad in hosp. We snuck in some spray and she recovered fast.

When my parents were exposed to C19 when babysitting the grands, I overnighted Liposomal C (+ Black Seed Oil, and Wellness Formula). They didn't get sick. They are also also vaxxed, so not taking full credit, but we know efficacy wanes, so it might have helped.

Kimberly Biss, MD an OB/Gyn explains in her hospital she is seeing a huge rise in infertility and miscarriages as well as a 25% increase in irregular cervical cancer screening.

From me to you; Thanks for the great posts you share with us. Good to read there are people finding solutions instead of only addressing problems. You rock! Keep up the great work.

I work in a GP Surgery - non clinical.

Nearly all the jabbed staff have ended up getting Covid, with some getting symptom severity far worse than any unjabbed staff member. Some of the jabbed staff are livid that they were coerced into getting a jab, that is totally useless.

#Serrapeptase is a miracle. It took care of long haul Covid symptoms, and it worked other wonders. My cysts are no longer swollen and painful. All have decreased size. My scars are even disappearing. Is anyone noticing this? It is the best product I have ever taken.

Keep these coming mang. If you ever wanted to outline them, I know folks would be grateful. This is good work, I just want you to know it.

Adding Thiamine has really helped me! I was getting episodes of confusion and almost blacking out. Sometimes I would start driving and had to go back home immediately because I didn’t feel well. Did some research and started supplementing with more B1 and B6. Huge difference!

My #Pharmacist told me the 1st week of March 2020, "Take Quercetin, Zinc, & Vitamins D & C. And get your Vit D blood work over 50."

Great Advice!!

This #ProphylaxisProtocol has protected me and my family, ever since March 2020.

i had a very painful ganglion cyst on my wrist for over a year, took #serrapeptase for about a month… completely GONE and hasn’t come back… next up, #serrapeptase + #nattokinase vs #endometriosis 👀

"Richard Horton is quoted by the Guardian as saying “journals have devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry.” "

Olive leaf cured chronic drug resistant UTI in an immunocompromised lupus patient. It is not only a parallel glutathione-like antioxidant system in a pill, it is an entire immune system in a pill, as the good Dr. Grouf has been stating since 2020

My hair was always thin and falling out but MSM made my hair grow. After having Covid my hair started falling out again. It’s all back and full. I take MSM for my arthritis apparently it makes your hair grow.

Serrapeptase is remarkable. It was never my intention to address my external scarring with it. I realized early last year (after years of taking it daily) that my scars from a motorcycle accident, and being run through a barbed wire fence by a horse, were no longer visible!

Pairing Serrapeptase with Bromelain and Nattokinase has been reported to clear blocked arteries and calcification in the vascular system. But you have to stop inflammation which is the root cause, this is where periodic Ketosis plus NAC and Curcumin are very helpful.

I truly believe these supplements resulted in my completely asymptomatic infection in Jan. My body told Omicron you are not welcome here. Took IVM and Hydroxy as well. Followed FLCCC and Zelenko early on. 🤷‍♀️🎯 or am I just one of the naturally immune?


You're welcome! Btw, have switched to a couple of liposomal products and they're friggin' game-changers. Thank you!

For me, it's all about optimal well-being. I'm a healthy guy, but have felt a bit sluggish lately. Liposomal glutathione and C have changed that after less than a full week of use.

Absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing and for the education on liposomal products.

Matt Guthrie RN @mathamgut

The Solaray Liposomal Multivitamins seem to be a good choice for me. I can definitely tell a difference in my energy levels at work and sleep is better and wake without tiredness, which is unusual for me. I’m having blood work drawn next month and I’ll let you know how it looks.

Re: CoQ10: @Shanprevails

That one seems to be a huge help with many different things. Thanks to you I've been on it for weeks now

Have been on CoQ10 and rALA for ... geez, almost 5 years now? I suppose they could have helped me from being even worse than I am now? Definitely good supplements, tons of research behind them. DEFINITELY gives me a great lipid panel - even at my size! LOL - Triglycerides were 46

Our friends’s ex-husband had stage 4 cancer, but he had COVID and was prescribed ivermectin, which he continued to take for a month, and the cancer was gone!

I suffer from chronic Lyme Disease, and glutathione is my #1 supplement. My doctor recommended Core Med Science, and I think it’s one of the best on the market. I've taken it daily for over two years, and it helps me feel better and more energetic."

drs best serrapeptase. have been using for years. cant definitively say it dissolves clots, but i can say it sure reduces superficial skin scars super fast. (scratches from furry friends). also, good at breaking up respiratory phlegm, when nac is not enough.

I started with nattokinase and high dose serrapeptase about 10 years ago after a bad bout of pertussis. Cleared my lungs, and after years of use I realized that the external scarring on my body (both from a horse accident and motorcycle accident) had simply vanished.

Tales from the crypt, Twitter quotes from the end of one "pandemic" and the beginning of another. (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.