1. The association between mental illness and all-cause mortality in ...
Missing: Susse Wold
Mental health diagnoses are common and known to impact key outcomes in patients with chronic illnesses including cirrhosis. However, the independent impact of psychiatric comorbidities on mortality in these patients and potential mitigating effects ...

2. Susse Wold: 'Min alder kommer ikke mig ved' - ALT.dk
Feb 16, 2013 · Susse Wold: Kirurgi en mulighed "hvis det ... Hun har gennemlevet svære barndomsår på en kostskole, brystkræft, angstanfald og depression ...
Læs hvordan skuespillerinden har det med sit udseende, og hvorfor hun valgte at tage seks kilo på til sin rolle i 'Jagten'.

3. NAMI-NYC Launches "Wall Street Mental Health Collaborative"
Feb 8, 2022 · First-of-its-kind, year-long mental health initiative, designed exclusively for Wall Street to reduce stigma surrounding mental health challenges.
NAMI-NYC announces the launch of the "NAMI-NYC WALL STREET MENTAL HEALTH COLLABORATIVE" — a first-of-its-kind program, designed exclusively for financial services providers that have made a public commitment to reduce stigma surrounding mental health challenges for employees, and the business and financial communities at-large.

4. Pharmacotherapy of Anxiety Disorders: Current and Emerging Treatment ...
This review's first aim is to summarize current pharmacological treatments (both approved and off-label) for panic disorder (PD), generalized anxiety disorder ...
Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric disorders and a leading cause of disability. While there continues to be expansive research in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and schizophrenia, there is a relative dearth of ...

5. Articles | BMC Public Health
... World Health Organization ... Authors: Ines Cherif, Ghassen Kharroubi ... Social isolation and mental health issues have become a severe problem in ...
BMC Public Health: Impactful open access research, with a 3.5 Impact Factor and 7 days to first decision. As the second largest open access public health ...

6. Munchausen Syndrome (Factitious disorder) - WebMD
Missing: Susse Wold
Munchausen syndrome is a disorder in which a person repeatedly acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not really sick.

7. [PDF] Mental health and wellbeing - Brighton & Hove City Council
Student Minds and the World Health Organisation's Health Promoting ... (Susse x). 30.3 -. Bereaveme nt by miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death226,227.
8. [PDF] Covid-19 and mental health of children and adolescents - UGSpace
Sep 9, 2022 · On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a pandemic ... Suesse, T., Cross, P. L., Chong, K. H., Suherman ...
9. Foredraget "Bevægelse" med Susse Wold | Billetter | Billetto — Denmark
Foredraget "Bevægelse" med Susse Wold. From DKK 325.00. Location. Bandholm ... Concert or Performance Health & Wellness Mental health. Billetto Peace of ...
Da jeg skrev Fremkaldt for 10 år siden havde jeg stor fornøjelse af, at komme rundt i landet og for...
10. [PDF] The Feasibility of a Co-Produced Physical Activity Programme within ...
Jan 29, 2022 · used by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and used by the World Health ... Suesse, Snyman, & Picchioni, 2014; Gholipour ...