Liverpool Daily Post from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)

gamwmurt £tlei. LaUr A. L. cfler rW anw of Mohers eofwom wns IM Ikry srr Oaxerml MrvUrt XaoctaUtm, SALE IN LONDON. Flrajidny and wcted floods.

Byercavcftha Flra coai panics sod adw- wUnSubrPeMIO A union. on AUata aod bags, joaooa jute. JSOMQI ROM. Fanran CARFETS. VALO.VIA.Ot JfOgK litD.

IX) dm. Uw LINKN THREAD. CRJARA ui no view Thursday. Writs tor caidofuaalnadrSedlaaU aoD THIS DAY. TtU SSTew, wmt Coast, ea From (Ac TMeDa YOPMO.


X) Caatv AMopo. Now on Quay. HALR aaA Parwwariu jg.o WW Thi I Mondays Cod MA. at Twelra oetoib. COFFEE.

2S 800 FVoo Bioro Uont. Dobomwy. oad M-O BJU. lIW gad law, at (ice oelock. at tba COTTON.

Bales Amman Daatmd, n.isfei'Kssriis"™"' 8. a TIPTON and BON. Broken. t. oueet.

Day I MaDdayTaw at Uw Law Cook ttrarL COTTON. 10 Balsa Aaertoaii Uaaaaad. Waroalb UalL trow Fm Royal. la Waratooaa OMA Mad- K. 8.

TIPTON and SON. Broken. l. gamlaiiHawt 142C8 TbU Day (Meadayk had taat, OOTTONSEEO CAKE, Baca, rx Barbadian. S.TM lUcs.

et Barbadiaa. FraaQuay. RIO LAND. SONS, aad JEFFREYS. Broken.

I This Day iiml. at Twetre ctuck. CAKE. AMI Bans, at Owta ILcao. Ei Quay.

BMrTH. CONEY. aad BARRETT. MO A 14113 TbM Day (Monday Sad ma, oalock. Baas, as from Maranbaei.

From theUuaj. LAIRD aad ADAMSON. 14. A. 142H IhM Day 22nd Inxa, stOpsodcck.

COTTON WASTE, 327 Bayx Cms, from Oporto. On thaw BrooiwxA Dock. East SUa E. P. CALUBTER and BON.

IUS2 Dsy iMaodxjk Sod toat. at Tnclte o'ctcct. at COTTONSEED, 405 Rags. Conn, from Maraobam. EDMUND Ct.KATON.

RO.S A I- 541 JThM Day (Monday 22nd loaC. at TWvlwoctaek. RAW and CO. Brokers. 14197 This Day I Monday I.

22nd at Twelve dock. Dm DITI. 179 Toes R.o Barbs. tandiog ax Sylptle. HY.

BOOKS. SONS, aad CO AL. 19. Otdhatl-etrerv. 14156 ThbDayl Mondayt Bbd inaL, atTartrc donk, BBONV.

100 Rio del Ray. OrNORR 73 Ban Sierra GROUND Ntrni, 560 Ban UniWor Balbant, PI ASSAY SO Rood lea Monrovia. BATHER and M.ft\ I HI ABOUND NUTS 170 Baca Ex Amfcrix. Com Africa. Ex Quay HEYWQRTH.

HART, aad CO It 14221 KkT Day (Monday Z2ad at Tuirive slock, SOLA NUTS, about I Ton Else Fresh. Ex LEETR. SON. aad M.O RAL 14211 this Day 22nd MANDIOCA FLOUR. Bay.

at Benin (a). Ex Quay. JAM Id BOW DEN aod 00. M.O RA 14161 This Day Monday 1.22 ad leak. at Twafve does.

NITRATE OF SODA. 211 Damattd. ex I oca. Baca J6 J6 par oeoL. Et Prom the Quay LAIRD and ADAMSUN.

MOB A-L 14262 This Day I Monday 220 at Tmttn clxk, PALM KERSBLR 893 Baas. GROUND NUTS. 240 GINOER. NX Rags African. BEESWAX.

6 Paetagss litn'u. WM. PORTER and CO O.BAL 14144 This Day I Monday 1.22 nd si Twafve clock. Ex Axia aad Aabrti. JAM KB LATHAM and SON.

RQ.RAL 14157 TbM Day iMeodayl. 228 at Tanlvn o'eioak. a PALM KERNELS. 200 Ban. ax Aum l.k from Ambris.

JAMES BOWDEN aad CO 14m TbuDay I Monday 22ad low. fCTOLRUM. 66 Rsrvrls SaonSake JAMES BOWDEN tad OO 0 L. Afrtr.Mvafaagitao. 19.

HUP m. Dt; IMoadet). 22nd last, Twain oatooX, 374 Bullae. ex CtoJosfc tuMl BP.fmrER.-i.*o^a i.i-^4:11 J.SU OKASOE4. MO OwiTilnMU, UMO2IB.

it Ex Brttaonlt tad Algerian. OUVOn, 2QS EKtinJiCi. ex Kniiua. spa. 90 Maxes Patarau Bluer.

ex TUo. OOCOANUTS, 41 jUp B.ylnr J. a QUO UTO TO rol Aa fin lose, ex Twui ommmS ORASOIS.* CWs VelroTe, LEMONS 1,644 Pxlwao. DMAS CEP, (A Boxes BiUer, LEMONS, as Caere MeasiaA Ex Algerian.

Britannia, tod Mt S2 BerreU American. ex Teutonic. CPA ex Britannia. AN ITS, UJ Bun Or jton, ex ShropeJjim ATOEB, 40 Bundle.Chut.eiAilm EDGECOMBE, ROGERS, sad RmArrv M. The TMmto, This Day iMoodajt and at MtnoUn CftrtstT- alacrcu bAtoroscii.

ORANGES. LSI Ctoaet Yatoacia. El Altmso. Brttaonia. aad Ida.

LP'MONR 139 Psctacas PslrnDu. Ez Algerian, Granada, and Atoppa aad JARDtNE, Rratrn. I. TWsato-ceqft. Unmeet Tin Dsr (tfondapl, Qod last, at Twenty Mieuiet past Tso o'clock, at tha Commercial haleroom, Eaatopetreei, ONIONS.

Half Baa Exjpoan. (Huxon Jaffa. 00. 213 BoinMcnrm Bitter, POTATOES. 29 Pkluss Briuaais.

A rata an. Barneses. ORASOKB, 3ETCHM VeS ift BrtUnnle and Ida. LEMONS. so-1 boios Pslermo, .0.

7 OBANUE3, Bans Palenoo. Ez Alsppo. Atiwrtao, aod Tartfa POTATOES, 376 Baa (Wry Now, on 73 esq sod Bona Canary Nsw. TOMATOES. 172 Canary.

JAME3 ADAM. BOX. aad 00.. TMnmlwosurs. Thw Monday at Twrnvy Minutes osat la iba Commercial BeMruois.

APPLES. TJ Barrels American, ei Tin tonic OBANOEB. BSffi WOOD ALL sad Bretem. taad A Tcaple-aourt. LtropooL Shis BaTl Monday 1.22 nd task.

St Twenty Miantss past Ten docS. at the Ctanmtl SaMrpao. OBAN QEA. 6.138 Outs Valanria. Ei Brlunnio.

AlierUn. and Elvira. LEMONS. 2M dun aad botes Palermo, -ISSL. UNIONS.

1,716 Half POTATOES. 364 Oats Canary. TOMATO Ed. Pactaos Canary. El Aiim, Amtirir, aod Nlfer.

CONNOLLY aad Ureters. TO-iIOIUIOYT. To-morrow (TUsadatl, Twdre o'clock. BORATE OP LUCK. Tom.

Uabrathsn. COX BROTHKRH- MOB A TumUrl. Twdre o'eioei. EBOhY. 1.J36 FleerotUToosl.

Lending ex Ajlm. from Oil CRlabar WW. PPBTRB and OU. MQB A-l. 14192 "ihs'BTOTot' OSos.

yr io Albert For funhar to BKASCKEB. BOXWKLL. asdCO. It At. 14159 Tbmorrow (Twadwl.

at One 'sow leading Natberbg Ball tron Boatwg. RICHARD RICHARDSON and MO AL. 168 To-morrow (Tuawturl. Brd at Ooe o'clock. HEMP.

26 Bala Turkish. ri Ucooia to SMITH. CONEY, and MABRKTT. tl.B AL. 14165 To-oiorrowTrucmlajrl.

tlrd lost Tweira TESCAI. ISA Bags (atom 15 TonsV. Just srrlred prr Musician Ist from Odcutla. MOI.VNKCX. and Oft.

M.ll H.A.I, Tomorrow iTumdayl. gird lose. at Twvtvo clbca. YELLOW HEEBIES, 65 Rags, tx stream. IJAW and CO Broksre.

I4IM WXDNISDAT. Oa Wedssadsg cloak. MT. "W.di«d»» WM. PORTER and M.G.8.a.L14146 Wadsmdar next, lha JScb at Twelre octal.

RTTBBEE. 220 Paesages AMeao. la JAMES LATHAM sad ROM. MQ.RA.L Hlia Vt'edofUy a dock. ROBBER- IX Rx Store.

A osttT MmTariWrwidsmT RUBBER Cumanriat Hairs. THURSDAY. EDWARD CIIAI.OVFR and CO. will Sell It AiWJoo, oe Thursday Mil. (be euoteanr at Twain eclock.

is Mam A. P. aad ft Madam a ttakroni. No. Canada Dock.

H6 Logs MAHOOAN V. Ta'waoo Co. AMaa Do. Ml Cuba do. UTO st Dnwloyo do 91 rUoks KUSFWimTV CaltforaUa REDWOOD.

IS Uo Quebre AMU. 13 Rar-rae TEAK. With other URN I TUBE and FANCY WOODS. aad] oo applieatioa to EDWARD CMALONER aad CO. Oo Friday tint, tfca 2Mb at Two tatba Wool Saleroom.

Etwrlwatrewr. WOOU SCC lUJra Rlrrt Puis BONA up aod RODGER. Wool Brabant HIM IMPORTANT SALE OP WINES By order or Etorc of the late J. A. Sablh, of Oo Friday twit, the 2Mb ion.

at One oloet. oo tba FrrmlMA Wnerlne Hall. Tbo CELLAR or FJNIE OLD WINEb. osaryrtalnf PORTR I t'vt tir.tam. Old Bottled Dry HHERRIER, C'ARETm CHAMI'AUNEB.

iary Old MADEIRA, la Ml about W) Dntma. Ranplat sill at tbs DOom ol Mroars. Uooia Iw-kton. on Walnroday aadTlraroday MIL toe 29th aad 2-Ui F-aal'liwiami tunh-rtaraculanapply to CVWIN aod JACKSON. WINER IN BOTTLE.

CASTLES aad CO. rmportfollf troogwr thalr lotmUoo to bold an Auction Mate at lIOTTLCD WINEN oo May It. SnUtra intital. A United caanUly of Floe Battled BBANDlEBecoboeaUlocoed onlbUouaaloo. Cent rat buildincA tirerpoo).

Mf I SALES IN MANCHESTER. TO MORROW. To morrow iTHewiajl. a' Twain a etoek.

at I ha Omatrria! BaMwom. DmiucaW. Naorhraur. ORANOES. TO Cbara Valencia.

Naat Fraaeon. ONIONS SCC Haas Enpisa. ei Betftan Mm. LEMON A. JOO Paakaya Falerao.

ORANOES. UH TUE MANCHESTER PRUtT Comawmal Rsler-wiu. Dranryata Mtncbvsur. To awrew (Tossdayk at fsalvw VclacJi.

at tr.vCamavr. Saleeouu. Uaaasgaxe. Manebaur. Kx llarol anil Naot LEMONS.

100 Run M-wsioa. TSnfv. OKANUKS, 2Jo tioaaa Jaffa. Orltaaaia DO. 472 Ki Saxon PHeeelif arrlttdl ONIONS.

Ban Kcyjrtian. Hi and (mo Pnnre. DATES. 4CC Boxes Paruaa. ax FARRAND.

CRAZE aod GOODWIN. CnmoMn-tal Maleraem, Manchester. To-mnmw (TWeedayk 2-! rd at at the Caamarrial Salaronca. Manchester, ORANGES, AttS Valencia, ax Nam Francos. ORANGES, 1.317 Valencia.

LEMONS, 5.767 Paakaaai aad Mesaisa, Ex (Virxbaaa (if arvivedk ONIONS. AIM Bart H-xi-iUo. at Prince, on. I. YD at Imo Prince.

DO. 424 Boxea Liateo. at Marda. NORTH OF ENGLAND FRUIT BROKERS. LTD.


G. BLACK WELL, SONS, AND UVERPOOI. AND LONDON. 4 ON fnadir, at Hull Monday APPLES. 610 Case.

Itahan Orsarrt. POTATOES, PacAasrt PntS New 1.500 lupartor QuaW; Frcscb Waa. Ex Malta. J. BBADNUM and Moll National Telephone, 121 AND H.

FAIR. Pa 18k JIU 24. vaa hiix R. aiva It FAIR. Wixn WHITE WINES.

YIN DE GRATES, (aad Dlanar Wlaa yardas. PPENHEIM. axoallant Dioiw Heaa MOSSLBLUMCBEN. SxinMaseUa 24a CttABUS elegant DiaaarWiaa 2M A AND H.IPAIR. WlNtt MIUCBAST, BUFUiUNDi, RotlMa.

4.8aU1a% liaojilxk tu- is RaanuLy MA US Titoni I im Mk SlUiiii ft. atfto M. FAIR. Wwr MnmEAirn. 1889 VINTAGE CHAMPAGNES.



Moot. HtidMeek. Musis. Jsrsboaas et RoJlager Par print sppir ta .1 AMES SMITH AND ltttf CENTRAL BUILDINGS. 37.


JJIBHTON AND FLEET STREET MILLS. LIVERPOOL Ban pits Ureird asd Polonies sol toe TMrgTaaa.saUJrtaA-KimwQ. ADTod Tho LONDON Omci (Editorial and Advertising) of tho LIVERPOOL DAILY POST IS st 130, FLEET-STREET. E.C. ADVERTISEMENTS for insertion in the following day's issue should bo handed in HOT LATE it THAR 4.30 p.m.

received after that hour for next day's issue will be wired at advertiser's expense. News is received up to a late hour at night, and all items of sufficient importance are SPECIALLY WIBKD to Liverpool. MONEY MARKET. BANK BAT E-2 PER CENT. MONET has been very little wanted in Lorutnrd- street to-day, and with an abundant supply of floating capital short were freely offered at 4 per and in.

some ptioaal raxes only per cent, wax chanted for advances. Nest week, however, tho market will be affected by the settlement. which will begin sss the Sooth African rectum on Tuesday, and in other securities on tho following day. Discount business has been limited. not many bills bcins brought forward as usual on the last day of the week, and tho tendency was raxlrr at 13-16 per cent lor negotiating three drafts.

At the I took of Knglan i to-day bar gold to the value of £7.000 waa bought. The steamship Para, from the Wot has arrived with £41,785 io specie, whilst the Carthago bas -ailed for Bombay with Yesterday at linenoa Arrrs the premium on gold declined from 268.40 to 266.30 per cent. The Euhrn ratea of exchange were Bombay, and Calcutta, Is 1 Unoz Kong. 2s Shanghai, 3s Singapore, 2t IJd nn-1 Yokohama Ifd. Very little business doing in tba Silver market the price of was unchanged at 30jd par ounce.

Mexican ware qacted at 300. Pitley and Abcll'a circular that the Bank of England received £3601,000 in bars and coin sinew our last, there being no demand of any Rind. baa been withdrawn for the Cape. South Africa. Brntil.

and Wast Indies. To Bombay. £25.000. As regards ailvcr, ia consequence of Easter, aomewbat nominal antil the 17th. when the news of peace bean concluded between China and Japan caused a good Inquiry, and the market toae to d.

At this there many and aalce were effected at constantly ledoeod raire. Arrivals New York. £63,000 and Wart £76,000. To Bombay. £83,200.

la Metiean the last price at which business look place, waa oOd, and they arc now nominal. To-day's bumneas on the Stock Etehange bas been on a limited scale, the fine weather inducing many to arbent themselves from the hoove Moreover, the near approach of the eeUlrmrat also tanrtod to restrict fresh of a spemlaow charecter. and the markea gaiTally cxhitaAedaa irrtnolar toodency. The mm ii English however, wero well supported. and Consols Improved 6 for aocoomt.

Indian Bapeo Taper ttcady. bed doaed withoot alUrotiao. Corporation Stocks were well aaictained, and rerrral Coloeial Government Bocdi improved to 1. Foreign Government Securities were dull, weak sen being reported on the Fans Bourse, and among Interest onsla a daelina of A waa marked In Spanish. Jin Portuguese and Rowiau ISBD.

and Italian, while Creek Fotu per Cent, advanced Turkish and CJ. and Ditto t. Mexican per Out. gave we? I. and the Internal j.

Argentine ifwoea were steady on tbo relapse of 2 points in the premium on gold, but Peruvian declined to f. Home Railways wore neglected, bet the general tone of the market waa good, owing to tbo fine weather. Great Northern Deferred and Ditto A rose Brighton A and Sheffield Deferred J. and Sooth-Eastern Deferred i but Metropolitan Consolidated, tbo District, and North British Deferred foil i- In the market for American Railroad Seeuritiee dealings were on a smaller scale, aod a general disposition waa shown to profits after the recent rise. The doting was exnewhat weak, but the changes wwro not important, a decline ot 3 bring mark ad in Atr hires Income Booda 4 in Brie Second Mortgage and Reading Income Bonds, i in Atlantic Fiiat, 1 In Mstiean Central, Northern Paoifie Prefarenea, Norfolk and Western Preferred, New York Central and Union Poeifie, and 4io Denver.

Ontario, Louirrillc and NaabriUn and Koading Shares; but Krio Prefereaee advaoerd IJ, WsU-h Debenture i. and Atchison Ordinary 4. Canadian lines were quite neglected. Grand Trunk stocks closed without site ration, while Ckoadiao Paeifie receded £. Foreign Railways were litUs ilealt in.

Me tican issues elosed steady, aad Argentine Lines were stronger. Booking Shana and Financial Trusts exhibited firmnaw. and in several easea higher values ware reoorded. Atnoog Brawerics, Allsopp'a wera weak and lower. Nitrate Gronps wero well sopported.

Misrallaneoat Securities were quiet, and, apart from farther rise nf 3in Armstrong. Mitchell, and were without special feature. A fair amount of Km been transacted in the Mining Market, South Airicsu descriptions, asusL receiving principal attention, and with a faw rxcepLoo) th" tendency waa faioorahla. Hand M.lwm were in prominent reyisat. anil rose to Oeldeahn-t unproved ft to 7ft.

Village Main Boef to 7. Chimes 3-16 to and Rett fontcia 3-1(1 to bat Jumpers declined 3-10 to and Crown Reef ft to Diamond ventures exhibited Gnnoass. De Bern advanced 4t021 J. and Jasernfeotein Land Shares were well supported, and among Miscellaneous Shares St. Angus tine's ware in some favour, and rose la 3d at Ids 61 to IK Foreign rise oC Argentine Oreat Western bceond Debenturo aal Central Argentine, awl in Mexican First Preference and fall of 1 ia AotofagasU aad 1-16 ia Sooth Austrian.

Foreign Railway advance of 1 ia Costa Riot First Mortgage Debenture. rise of lin Bank of New South Wales and Union ot Australia ami a fall of 1 in Hong Kong. Lnodoa and Westminster, ami 1-16 in South Austrian. I Breweries. -A decline of lin Allsopp's and the Pri tercure.

and a rise of in Xalder ami Collyrra' Ordinary, and in Barrett's Brewery and Bottling. fall of 1 in Socz. CemmcreiAl aod rise of 3 In Armstrong, Mitchell, oad Co. Orlinary, I in Linoleum Manufacturing. ia Pillahury-Washburn Flour Mills Preference and San Jorge 4 in Lagunas Nitrate, Paceba Nitrate, and Salt Uuioa and a fall of in Compagnie dee Asphaltes de France, and In New Bcplosiven.

KinsooaL I And, and advance in Australian Agricultural and Aastralian Land and Finance and a decline of 3 in Financial A ot 1 in Bankers' Prefcranoe. ami Municipal Four aad a Half per Cent. Debenture, and 2 in Sabsarine Cables Trust. (alt of in Royal Insurance and in Employers' Liability. riaa of Jin Canard.

Telegraphs anil rise of 1 in Anglo-American Ordinary anil Deferred. and Jin Iho Preferred, and a fall of io National. The freight market Mill shows little lifa There is a moderate do stand from the Blaek Sea. and the Danube, bat at low rates. America is a triOa better for si tin, timber, and phosphate.

River Plate and East hardly anything doing. Pictures reported to-day are Odessa, 9J London, Hall, or Rotterdam, 4.C00 toes, May-June Odessa. 9e Hall, Antwerix or Rotterdam. 9s 6d Hamburg, option from Niootaicff la eetra. 4,200 tons, April-May Novorossisk, 9s 3d Rot terdam.

3.200 tons, prompt: Saline. 9s Td Hull, I.SjO toar, prompt, Ireo address Soti, 19a 10Jd Newport, 2,600 tons. April lis any direct, 13s Copenhagen, 4,200 tons, Ist to 20tb of May Riga, 6s London, 1.350 loads si topers, Law. Seripbos, Hs ltd Glasgow, 3,300 tons, May, free despatch: Rcnisaf. 6a Cd Newport, 1.850 tooa.

prompt, full terms Bilbao, 4s 1044 Middleebruajh, 2,200 toes, April Bilbao, Be Gd Rotterdam. 1,900 tons, prompt; Bilbao, Slocktoo. two May boa Is Alctandria. he 6d London or Hull, 1,330 act, prompt; Umonia, 8s Middles htomb, 3,300 tons, May, free drsapteb Pernandina and Virginia or Hambjrg, 16e 31 on deal weight, 3.000 tone, prompt; Port Roral. 14s Hall, 2,000 toon Mar Cuba, 10Jo New York or I'biiadelphia.

II Js Boston. ISO net, prompt Madras Coast (two places! 22a Gd United Kingdom. 1,890 net, prompt, jaggery. Meets. Beckett and hankers, Leeds.

offer for subscription, at £lO 15a per £lO (belor part of per cent, cumulative shares of John (smith's Tadcattar Brawvrv Company, limited. The company was formed id 1892 to the well-knowo, old-established, aad citvnairo brewery business carried on under the etyle of "John tba Brewery, Tadcaetcr, the MaltVUua, Ml I ford Junction, and at Leeds. York, and elsewhere. In August. 1893.

fjm.nii icbeoture stock and fully subscribed by the public, the whole of the proceeds of which has bacn retained in and used for the of the business, and has been etpended chiefly io procuring additiooal licensed houses, thereby placing the trade of the company oo a very stable and secure foundation. At the time of tbe formatioa of the company. in 1893. there were attached to the busim-ap 233 licensed premises, which number has siocc been more than doubled, and the company at the present time has under its control 513 licensed properties. AFTER OFFICIAL HOURS BOMS run US.

Consols 55.... IKK Dttloaescmot May Niwllar. 101 tOS'A lad la Mock IMH lIS Indls AtockS no. IOS I Rupss Paosr bsetHtoos. S3? iS MeUcooUtaoOaaretKUtS'l StooA nnnmnwofWoo.

KB tsmtim. tJK-UU. P.O. lil tCA IS'i Itl'i lvrOs.tW.Stvo... 0 UJ Mfcknr.frwwhV.tve.t3Cß ..138 113 touisui oenucnrr siccamll.

(taAi tvt tlJt 111 Wolra. IXBAA-9 tva 135 tCT NewZreDrul KB ITil V. fli i KB Ninth IW'-I9ISv pa UJ Mj Tumxuix. 1 fit IKI. 119 nous maiLwara a On.

Indlas. 50.0.. 313 KasttellanSHtvrv Annuities A. East loJ lan AsaotOa. II £1 tva.

1.1/4 13 PaMlrellaa Det Ana. emv a a. a. JM Oreatlndlaa KootncolarOaar. p.

1M IT, MadrasQ-rar. Sgv a Datvctocx. SB 101 XciwM.P.'.taih. and DtlM, Indian St (v o. .144 HI ssmvii.

caaaoiAS. voastos JJASt IST inn Rsalai riruMTrant oTOvowU OiaadTruDkatOaaadalw mwt. -QW T--. us MKiaSK 2 SSSSSKK I KsiEiSlsSS 1 2 rs a nis. 1 il ISHfa B2 casa ft.

RNitoiWllw hnrhiMaml Ontaadklataa a IUIA IJWt a i TaebritK gH NawTorkOaaKsl Hkarsa ISIVA New Verb. Eria aad walea U'. US New Lata Ma aad J4 sSSsSSSfeiI; i 5 'i 4 saais.r.'saistj:; -UH sa Galea aCLoodw $2 "i RllSeed iv! MnuJitlai OHaaoaa PreTrewaoa S'l lyuawnhiresd 44 44 Btrentt AJhocoaod Ho-iVNrhaary WMSiawsMaoaii 142 IB IB NatlosaJ Watersaod Brasiltoe IStavaeb 934 MINES. SOUTH KVUICAS MntXfL ke. SStttt; Buffaladoae 2 mj SSSSfI 'fSsFi 2" SSSrtSR Tf SuMta? tT BoHHrui UV CMdaebala V-Ih Otid 39 IK Main Rati i Gnhamatowa Spa.

IVj lift IV Shake. JV6 Hanry pi IVfe t'rattii Karf Jlasszazik. POREMH MHAKPH. AomralteaOoaaola 4. Krapiekata 10 UPlata 7.6 Lam Hi IV-nnia Ouoftae'o pi 1 IV I taboo .3 UrmdoedarrT i A'.

HVaw ItamSU I'M Uc. Biiiwa 2H 2V 9 4 1" T. 10 1) 4'q hoM Ptoda SSssE-s (inMDa. KNtohA SJM tS KTwSSoSiS n.a» iiatMi. SfiSliSSiii lfr OakofMesiiil 5 JMa IJSt'RVba AS II goldiD VI NAJ.C VI Anfnadea 11 15 4 CeMeeOMaO.

2n 06 VI Hi Hi Hameey tfc TDttaaa A Da llamptoe 1' jUaliffd I'll 2 lAq, Vlrt. Allamim VI SaC Ttaaavaal VI Hi Jartaoo WMttlkflMtttlS IS luUawk Hi AntaoUoaOVw 14 Kapaeta IV W.Aunln. HoH V. Tj IXi 1 1 tViftfa'nov Da Mlntnt HI i tain W. amm an T.

Oraoan Loaloa, RATES OF ENOHANOB ON LONDON. LONDON. Satchdat Tvwsrso. Thfi following were tho of oa Bwtle I Mfcd7.i-.uat I In. 1H TO i'uijJ Act.tfp—Bh.

2SJS to 2S JJ I NATIONAL BANK OP BELGIUM. BRUSSELS, SATtntiUT. re torn of the National Bank of Belgium for the woek ending Thursday shows the following as compared with the previous account (taking the exchange at 251 to the pound) Comitate bathos Ci.ttß.U9 14 ir.TTt.t49 Correal a. Cols 'fold three I nullloo CtUIU 4 Uei sfccwm its TS.MO NEW YORK ASSOCIATED BANKS. The following are the details of the weekly statement issued on Saturday by the New York Associated Banks, with comparisons J3N.00? 8459.059,'0C 66, MO.

000 6S.IW OTO 91.92X700 Uj) tenders 1Z5.472.t00 Met Deposits 4KM90.000 SOA.MO.QOC 50.E9.10Q Circulation 15.717.0» tS.ISUOCO 10471300 Breme held 147.210.000 140.0X3T 221193.800 Letslrwnvo 125.957.500 147.384.TTS Barpins 19.652.5C0 14.922.503.. G2.705.02S Werklj desrinsx 563.310.003 4T5.890.000 500.167.995 The changes oompored with the previous return The shipments of specie from New York last week amounted 5711.470. raostlv to sr.d other parts of the West Indies silver. 9813.042. moitly to London.

STATE OF TRADE. COTTON The cable advices to bead this morning reported ar. advance of About 8 pcinie At New York and 10 at Nsw OrlcsoA owlos to continued acPMnie of drought doing serious injury in and to the probable immediate important shrinkage in the old-crop movements, as indicated by the smart rrdactioo in tbc stocks at Interior points. As this news was much stronger than had been calculated upon, the market here opened In a very animated mood, and the initial prices shovel an advance of 2to 3 points. As there wss very littla Cotton offering, while some considerable baying orders bad to bo put through, including some on American account, there was presently further rise of 2 busineis being done st 5 points over the final rates of night.

As uiaal. the advance led to realissttons.and a reaction of about 2 took place but the Cotton offered was quickly absorbed, and the fall was almost recovered. the market closing firm at a net rise of to 5 poiuU. lu the meantime, spot Cotton gained 116 per lb. The improvement due entirely to tbe nnfavourable teuour of the reports shout the condition and prospects of the crop in Tetas.

the i news from other parts of the Cottoo-growing being fairly favourable. Aside from the threatened injury So tbe crop in Teiae that it DO new feature in tbe situation. The prospects of I and lad mats that tas ataek ei 't )L DAILY POST, MONDAY, APRIL 82. 1895. American Cotton talivarpoai at the cad daptesnbor will bnooniidesnhla larger than at ths maun date tact jmr, eed the present upward mosemeut lo vulass due malnlr to the aaiitirettoo of deficientsupplies for IftlMi, though, of cause, the general rental of nrnifdrnns in trade ami financial attia has contributed towards the movement.

The immediate futars coarse at will depend almost entirely open the actor of the reports about the nesr crop. Spot-American haa (gain bees in entire reqoert, end a boiioew hue been done at an advance of l-16d per lk Egyr-tiaaa oootinse to good demand, and the qaotatiooa are wnii maintained. There nothing reported in or East Fo Tsrk came 7 to 9 and New Orleans 10 to 11 pointo op. The market here cpecel strung at 2to 3 points advance. and presently gained 2 potato more.

This latter rise was lost en KM reselling, but later on reeorered, and tbo tone at the CIOM WIS finn at to points over tho final rates o( last night. day. Daiorwrtee. To-dAy. 3.33 tuyere Aprtl 3.38 value 3.33 buyers April May talus 3.34 bsyere.

3.38* buy are 3351 skUere June-July 340 aellsre 130) 341 buvere 338 stUere 339 Sept-Oei. eellere Oct-Kor. 343 342 sell ere 346 buyers 343 sellafs Dee. Jan. 34" burkn 344 Mllsre 348 i ecUers The met kit at Akxandria wme steady.

Fntprea. G.P. Brows. Hey 1332 taL. kgeinet 11J tab yesterday; ditto June delivery, 1115-32 tab.

against 11 716 tab yesterday. The OldtuM CkronuU reports a beieer tone in the market for trill aherea, tad in many canos prices hers advanesd 3s to 4s per thara. Tha change in the temper of the market is due oo doubt to the peace prospects, sod it is anticipated that a large businesa in and yarn is Ukely to up both for Japan and China. Independent of this, and are in good order, sod some report Ism stock than they have bad at any period during the past three yeura." Martrs. Robert Taylor aad of this city, hare received the following Ulsgrem from Messrs.

Thomas Taylor aad of Oalrwtoa. Texas The crop is about twenty-five days later than last year in this State. Drought hat done serious iojory. with rain aexl week, crop will be materially redooed. Stock in interior towns campletely fibsmted." Atwood.

Yioktt. and Cm, of New York, telegraph as follews to Mtun. Hood, Whiooray, and Feraie, of this city Gorernment reports ao rein in jyoapeet. Drought has done serious injury." The quantity of cotton on shlpbourd in tho ports of tho Unitod Slstci 00mperw ao follows with tho fijaret for tho prorions four toare Ci.Hr.taO Cor.Unarit. TeuJ, 41.0C0 4U003 18.000 97.CCC 51.0.0 U.CO.

IUOO SS.MC 3400 C. aoo lOjMO 71.000 80.000 AOM JJ.SO 55.930 16.500 5000.... 54.003 Mens. Habbtrd tad Co. cable Cba Chrr.ncU't icctipU thirty-ooe iatntior towu a.

41,000 hatea. AgAiMt 4G.000 Urt week. I ait year. 23.000 is 29.000 in 1891 and 35.000 10 1891. ehaoas of Dnawara hare been told at pcerfous naeas.

The market for African OoSee rem sun ooiei la tone, sod thsre very little inquiry going on at the present moment e-ntfanes neglected, and taloss are more or ISM oo.ainsl for tha hose being. The Bice market is tsvy firm in all as batter prices now ruling, and there is a fair hasinssi passing in cleaned for export at folly lata rates. The tons of (he sinseed market is etceetUcgly firm see offering sparingly, buyers are relactant to per the sdeuaend now demanded, no nor.oast being reported. The Manilla Hsmp is dull, aai boainess has been docs ia July-August steaoev correct at £l6 7s fid per ton. e.Lf.

terms. Sego Flou is steady: 1.000 bags of Sarawak bare been mwrted at 7s. and 7s 6d per ewt. is asked for fine Qaality. Turkish Oaaaryoeed is quietly steady, at reosat qaotatiaos.

and no sales bare been reported to-day. Of Chilian Beesvat, 3 packages bars brea sold at £8 3s par aad about MO bags of inferior Bombay Unseed Cake are reported at 4 17s 6d per too. at qoay. Valose of Logwool sad Fustic srs steady end unchanged, sod there is a mod or sis inquiry going oo for both. Pot and Pearl era rather slow of sals at 22s fid and 6d per ewt.

respectirclr. Supplies of Bark srs in a small compass, sad raloee are steady and unchanged. Berries uo rather quieter io tone. The Carter Oil market Is rary firm fur all dsacnptioas 200 cases of good iseocdi Calcutta reported at 21-lfid. aad now there is nothing offering under Sid.

end this tatter price has been paid for arrirals: first-pressure French is now held for 2 l-lfid to 2id sad Madras for 2 l-33d to 2 1-lfid per with a fair demand going 00. Cutsfc is but the demand is itili very slow, sad no Mice bars been reported. Block Gamhier is firm all roc ad, sellers taking IDs 9d to 20s fid on tbs spot, and 19s to IDs 3d per cwt. for arriral parcels. Gum is ratfasr neglected tor the time being, and ne tales are reported lo any description.

Nitrate of Soda meets with rather an improved demand, at 8s 4jd to 7id per cwt. for spot parcels, according to qosntity and qaality. Card is quiet, at yesterday's 35s per cwt. for choice Western on ths spot. Tbo Palm Oil msrkst remains vary steady in tons, and 100 tons are reported to-day.

including £2' transit, on the spot, and Benin at £2O 7s fid per quay. The Tallow market remaiar steady at ths given yesterday, and thsro is a moderate demand espcrieeeod. Olive Oil is firm, with a fair asnsomptivs business passing at full Liverpool of Liaised Oil continue our, and are again the turn dearer today, sellers now aeking 21s to 21s fid per cwt. in erport casks. Liverpool refined Cottonseed Oil is very firm, and again 8d per ewt.

dearer to-lay, 18s 6d to 19s per ewt. being now the value in erport barreh, aacofding to quality. Hoein is moving off to a fair extent. at steady rates for all descriptions. Turpentine is steady, aad is fair request at 23s per cwt.

The Petroleum market very firm, and the tendency of is still upwards so far, however, there la no change to notice io values, American refined OH being still quoted 93d to according to quality, aad Bossiaa at Bsd per gallon. Messrs. Tate aad Seas' quotations for Saturday are as follow Crystals Nov 2, 14s 3d; ditto smell. 13s 9d ditto No. 2.

13c 6d greaulated staudard. 13s Od; ditto ooarss. 13s 9d; ditto, fins, 13s Ud. BHlah ratead a bnllaraa paaalna lor aQ daacrtMlooa at em prim. raflonl (ranulaurd la tary era aad in (Ood ati)M raalr OF aad at 10.

AprU em ltd aad bujtn. Aofuat lUaodtaioa to lv Bamtea. roba. FMS raadj 11a 9d aaOnv. Mrrrr 5 ICld to.h HarehuTT ABE prompt.

cat loatlJ-M Aaatardaa Cmahad qolat. Dottb ABE aaiHt 17a Id tab. A Aeril-Mat Ualid aalltr. tab. Raabure.

Buaalao April 11. lid elf ttllan. FrtoaA crruala Mupar la April aoid at Id Alt aotl Lataaud; a uocbanead. Oaoaanu 10 moUaala daaaed at BaaQmt vwy Bra at nlO lid adnata; Apnl aoid lid plot i and Jnoa Si lid mSaljd. Aujaat 9t Ijd aod bujea O.tob«.

bar Sa 9d arllan CoSaa, 00 apot. ouiat at aocbaniad tncaa. Fntntra dull ao ISI doalof AprllMar 66aT8apUB bar. Doocb bat 64a 9d. Taa dull Fa'Ho aalaa for comma.

15600 nckitai ladiaa, 71.60) Ofloo. 7.405 Coiaa. aod 55X at a. China Apr-I i MSA Kioa ranr Am iIM tnoa per auomar Moaoa April I mLu, told at 6a ltd Ipi-a- ooouooaa qairt atUro-it ebaan. Cloraa Zaotihardell aod wratar.

dm. with a tpot trada at fun ralra for drbrary IPO aaan TS Mar aoid at UCa. Hemp dull ailhout rhacfa Juiaaniaaamr: an aal AprU-hlaj ataaanr Loodon fill Ta6dtoEll ICbtrUrra. Heada-Uaaaadtlov; apot Calcutta Ida. Bapaaaad Arm brown Calmtta "pot do Milan.

Coitoeaaad ataadp aoot £4l2a id. Poppraaad aary Am OUa -Utrnaad til quirt. ape rlraa nirnlle laadat at. bamla Bulltb brewp 71a. rrfiacd acot Rottaoa Ut6d.

oil qam root trade 16a. rteoed to mate end packafa 18a ulk Turoewloe q-iat; rpot 72a 4Jd- Farroif Bra Americas 94d. Buaaian £jd Tallow quieter Auatrallaa far to ese muUOB 72a 9d to TSa. good to Aoa baaf 71a Sd to 22a id. CLTDE CRCBHED BTJGAR MARKET.

SATURDAY nport: marm tira. HV' r. sod eottmtw utliu tan dcutr -Pniiuitpwt iam sod a tvsc lull to rated ateady. aad thafoUoartagtewi- OOM took piaoa tooa Kirar Plate Maf-Jnor, at 19a rve tern. aad a paracl of 800 our ihlpmeat, at 17a 104 qaarUr, telaqaaU.

I- Jillliliii! ISMMMT' IMbOfBV o2" Seaat PMA OaAs. AND Oalmoal ware all 3noted unchanged from yssterdsy. VOttUUTT QUOTATIONS SPOT. i SJSSSER.A i i ts 1 BRsrrrS Slt i 1 fS i. SBnrf 11! 8 nora-SatUrtl S3SB 8 8 5 St 5 0 0 0 6 0 'SSS6 So 0 1 1J B.ra=Kr Un 0 0 Otrtfot a Oktrte 0 0 0 5 Wtlta disk JO 1 tatttwta- I Stock.

2 0 I PMmaMlxWUtit 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 ft tMaifSTr. TurMsA. 4 St 4 1 Eert Indian 4 4 6 MMlasktoa $lOl4 0 CHESTER. J. KMWWU reports loUewa tWlreriss wheat WOT ZareSrm to a Ail otWr snun was atou wwdTloeama lodes cere ww abort uoatiitred no Mi prion, whtte Uw for tantso wbns to laported areas at sakaaead relma IT Sailii is 0 0..

0 OtoO 0 0 Ota 0 0.. 0 Ota 0 0 0M.f—73.. 1 2t02 5..6 OtaO Bam toe 8 0.. 0 OtaO 0 IsdloaCorn. toad 6tao 0 0 OteO 0 DOKCAPTRK.

8 A TOR DAY martcat aoeadad, and tfcara aw aeaed of Keeltob wtaws, wbtekadwadldantoad. IWfa t-e qoajter saare Not soak dot op In (prior eara. OaSa Ugber ead Mm at reus wMA a anderau uttU. LEICESTER. aUendsm.

with on all tnpul.ra of wtw. for wbldi tbna ww a eaadydemaoJ at Tta to ZSa par to ataar. la fair rwjuofc Baaaa daarwr. ktoa oala la banardrnaad NEWCAatXE. 'ISSo Srt.

Ot SS ttre? at lata data aad paaa la aaOan faroor nosr oaslierad. NOtTINOUAM. BATORDAY -There witin(man runtr of whne aa offar radar, ead trado ww traler, twins bMhar Utaa tairreel wwt. JThe to bead, aad wow dispoaad of at Ufbar quote( ARLISLE.SATOROAY.-A SOM npeip of 17(M lO SaTOBDAT-SO rwt. btoek oeD.

ibfppan 4a2d to toM: ditto faadara 4. Mto Sd. The following a eteteiaant ahowlng the qoantitiaa aoid end ererege prtoe of Britiah Corn, tin pa rial eoeeeom, ee received from the inspeeton end of Eztaee, in the week ended April 20, 1895, and for the oorrw ponding week in the previone fota years Wbaet. Pattay. Oata Wbaal Batlrr.

Oau On Boa Qn Boa Tloa ad ad ad UM 13,024 5.. 5.. 7.334 6. AJI 2 .14 A 15)4 alio A. T.

542 5.. a 837 0....24 4 INS ASH 4 2,. 12,154 5.. T.WI. A ,18 A 1292 3..

1.T74 7. 7 101 A8.6A9 1.. 20.171 3.. A.T26 ...10 1.J711..20 I Kali mated 12,000 balea. iaeladiog 1,000 uuk tramu unoi nm nnrro uroST.

hou. Sc. rsian Trer. I uji I To. £o- Hcbc WtaJTsi wiITS! II II II II I II II "I i a I So.

iV'O KjfTpOM II II lii II Pm kc. .1 E1- 3 BOW QUOTATIONS. tI.Q. LM. MM.

O.M. P.O.M.M.P. Awtaa IV, P.P. lKmm 48 Mirusta i or.

rii rtsS (Km IV Hi in, tsUir kfrptiu do not ttfrt to EtTDi ajuon The following ha ve taken plaec in Poimr: Amman. port. Tt.kf. L.M.C Jau 5.36, 3.37, 3.38, 3.37. BJB June-July 3.34 3 38.

3.40. 3.39. 3.38 Julv-Aagutt 3.39. 3,40, 8.41. 3.40.

3.41 3.41. 3.43, 3.42, 8.41. 3.42 September October .3.41. 3.42, 3.43 October-Noeeaiher .3.43. 3.43.

8.45 3.46, 3.45 3.45, 3.47, 3.46. 3.46 Jouaarv-Frbnurv 3.46, 3.48 Egyptian. F.G.F., Jeae 6.164 6.164 Aug uit 6.16<L The following cotton have lost report New Orleans loteator Borro (s), KAST INDIAN ADVICES. rhe telerram. dated Bombav, Fndjr.

(tout Bytbell. and Co. situation is pitting at tbo for to many opposing isSaeoees aroat work oar market io different Wo have a largo stock hero, and it is confidently arpectcd that aball arc vary liberal between now and the monsoon, both of which are tendm; to keep pr eea quiet, but if Liverpool tod New Yoik coot our to send inch vorv tlroe; at they have bean doing of late, nor by certainly respond. at any rato partially. Mtcaatimo, holders of cotton are very firm, but tba amouut of business pasaing to? etport is diaappointiog.

and it would appear as tlvoagh Eat wan bad not yet mads up tb- ir to boy at all freely at tbs advance. Receipts, 70,000 against 77.000 last year. Eeporte to Great Britain. 1.000. against 4,000 last yesr.

and to the Continent 24,000. against 20.000. Stock in Bombav held by Europeans, natives, and mills 346,00) balev against 402.000 in 1894. 295,000 in and 336.000 ia 1832. COTTON STATISTICS.

The following is return of number of of Cotton imported sad exported at tho various potts of the United Kingdom during the week and sictean weeks ended Aptil 18. 1835: FOR WEEK ENDED APRIL IT Amtrtci- Branl. Rtnd. EcyW. Tots) f.srrrnool.

St .635 1.714 4.094 133 56.98 tsto 684 2.9 Ha 11...... 1.599 1489 Oiberprts 183 1.616 1.796 American. Egypt Mteosl. Tott) JinrgaL 815 69 6W 817 743 1...... 8M 7.VM Other pro 2.697 2.697 ACT 700 ai 7.120 SIXTEEN WEEKS ENDED APRIL tl ni posts.

Jtrstil loJ I'npt Tout. UvefumL. 1.573.720 7,759 2. CAT IJL6N) 17.061 1.723.2CT MIS 6.017 US 11,773 Rail 449 0 7fl 41.063 Other p'rts 76.953 SO 16.t*2 35 I.MAUO 7.150 7AM 155.313 17.715 LESLZtI KXVOSTS. Amirvtf- Brarit E-104 MHevt.

Total Liverpool 17 TT) 5954 70.365 7V'j Londoo 7.735 5379 SB 13,346 Hull 53.4*3 1.61J 43 37 Other p'rts 11.03 26 90 6 11.180 Whatever of eonfi-lrne or tone our market lost yesterday on aoeoant of the temporary fall is the Cotton market most bo assumed to be fully covered to day, in view of tbe renewed spirit in America and Liverpool. So onr market may rsfely bs said to close at its stoneast sod highest for the week. As regards activity, there is oo of judging on a Saturday morning. Only a moderate daily business been going on sines tfcr the response from the chief markets ab-oad having been very languid, and tbe same I remains tine to the close of the week, with the ad ditionai circumstance that silver and all Eastern eiehaogee gave way markedly yesterday, I which is not calculated to improve the demand. A week ago wa desired for our market, Cotton down and elver op." The contrary has befallen (SENEIML PKODtJCE.

I The Ceae Soger market is qoict and unchanged, I and no sales have been reported to-day in any i description. Beet market Arm April 9s IJd. May 9s June 9s 3Jd, ToJy 9a fijd. August 9s AM, September OJd. sad October-December fib 7ad all Kcm is steady, aad SO jjua- COFFEE MARKETS Mowrv L.

Sohos. Uorabon. UUow.m qaouuma to Mr. Aag. Qhylit ii I THE LONDON PRODUCE HOUSE.


im 4 4 4 4 April 410 UO 66 0.. TV July (5 0 66 0.. 9 ii Ufa 66 1..1 ocwbfee 1..1 svw Tt 4Si Dram. 66 0 9.. 7i 6H sum pm.V-ApKl.

SW64. SK4: Jura. July. K'a4; Aufoet, JOU6: VK4 THE NEWCASTLE CHEMICAL The DaU-i Chronicle of Setorday aaya Chemieals are (till doll, aad though the tbiomenu arc a little better, they are scarcely op to the average. There it to-day no alteration in prices.

Soatn Durham salt la ateady at ta to 9a fid per too, free on board. BRAZILIAN COFFEE MARKETS. 810 DE JANEIRO. The eo London has advanced 116 to 9 11-lfxL Tb: Coffee market bat bean steady and prices are unchanged No. 7 Now York typo The to-day amounted to 11,000 bags, makiog the total 2.156,000 bags.

today pure based 0.000 for ahipmeut to the United and S.OOO hue for Europe. The Steele now at 233.00'' bags. The Santos Coffee market ia firm, and prices have advanced 300 good average quoted RslS.4oo. amounted to 10,000 making tbo total 5.670,000 tags. The stock is now 296.001 bags.

PROVISIONS. Eeef aod fairly steady. Povk steady bat quiet. Values of Beeoa today aro eabsWotially unchanged from yesterday. A steady consumptive bwrrv ii panioz with Ireland.

and balliat ttro in greatly improved requett from 6rrn. and for quay lota advanced puce? are steady sod uachaased. Cbeeto again rules io borers' favour, Lard uoaltered. Impotta of frash Beef from Newport 10 ditto from Philadelphia 432 ewU. of mlUd ato 106 Pork.

367 barieU; Bacon. 1.777 ho Hams. 186 bores ".418 bo lea Batter. 2 packofts and I-ard. JAstoca.

Cable advices from America raeoivcd to-day quote a ilediae of So per 1001 he. in the raise of ti "a TTtl so WuoeW i 40 JSS'iEli II tec 54 4 3 40 0 O.uortbin MO 0 Ontuatvr SO BauertioUwtMbSt MO 0 9 CC OmOnUodeas. 3 CeoO to 0 0 0' HuJovd. t.Uoodto Hue 0 00 iwcreoi. no aso ST.

SATCRDAY. Bwf 0 Mutton lb.o A 3 I tfc 0 9 IMb 10 0 6 I Do. .01 ad or. I 6 19 0 Woodaoata. br.

0 0 A 9 Ratpea 10 0 BoUCT-lh. 1 Cod fc. 0 A 0 Mm lb. I 13 0 I Rcnllrtakllto 6 TOfbut lb, 0 0 0 Do.oaw lb. 0 Halibut lb.

0 0 0 0 naonaban.aaob 0 0 0 0 NbM At Haifa lb 0 0 0 0 Malme 111 001 Tn. lb. 0 f'lA 1 I 0 A 0 I Da 3 MB. Daaka OMMi axfi Prmroio, The oil marital to-day opened doli. witb pipa-line certificatea quoted at 82.2(1.

aad aftersrards almnoei down and dosed weak at 81.97. a decline of 23c 00 the initial Oil. Cm. Tkadmg is oil to-dar baa teen to active, and a bearish baa prevailed. Pipeline cartiSeatea opened at 82.20.

the highest quotation for tha day. and closed at 81.97. the loweat. CLOSINO PBICK3 1.10 r.N. igpFnass IB ura tGrrai T7 ITS ham t.

lON IjjjfSSk. AtoSkol Urarpl EaSSaIS I WBSMS: WmM. tut fl CIK inrMtcn. I ifisusr SS KttStRS: la ssffis-iK TrSEJSIS JLspb.2*C3[ dL SZ WttmabtUO. SS.q'SmSw: RiHSEJb: iS I OsopaoMa wMeh ban te Porywl Tnorf-rs and ten.

I Tbo oospanr boa powor unter Ha or Piter Uaa. GUIBGOW. Deferred. 43 1-16: Union PeeiSc 13 3-16 Northern PaeiSo. 104 Norfolk Prafrrrod, Ontario.

17 7-18: P.ria tliaoouri. Louimlle, 554 Denver Preferred. 4015-16; MUwaakea Kin Tioto, 14 316 Kytoie Ooli 80. 3d Broiburn OiL Pumphersten Oil, raraHn, Broken HUI. 40a 6d.

STOCK EXCHANGES. Wheat. Disappointing advices from America checked the advance 10-dsr. but operated oo a fairly liberal scale, and prices at the close were onlv occasionally shade below last ereoleg's level. Holders of spot paresis remained firm in their requirements, and yesterday's full rates bad to bo paid to effect purchases Forward drdivwries of Califotniaa were in moderate taqsast, and firm, at yeaterday'a ati treme vaJues.

Red American futures opeasd fraatlouslly easier, but met a food inquiry at the lower rates, and steadied som-whst during the day. final soloes being only occasionally tha tare below those of veeterdey. Rest Indian for shipment were needy and unchanged. 10.000 Mir. st Ss 0W 5s ojd per cental.

Bed American 60.000 quarters, comprising Mir st 4J Did. June st lljd. July 4s 11 Jd to August st 5s Old. sod September tl 5s Id per Esst Tcdlsas 1.000 Korrachte. April-Mar shipment, st 4s 4sd per 100 lbs.

Cargoes ruled stesdr. sod the following boainru su reported Walla 15,680 quarters, per Cawdor. March bill of lading. st 23s tid per SUO lbs- River Piste 1.300 March, st 22s 6d 1665 quarters. per C.

Wrsoldson. Msrcb bill of lading. st 22s M. oo 10.000 quarters, per staemship Justin. April bill of Initios, st 22s Gd sad 1.200 to L5OO tons.

April-Map shipment, at 22s pet 490 lbs. CLOBINO OCOTATtONa. Sal QsUreran. Todav VestsrAsv. April 6s PI Co 5s fid Ss Gd to Se Mm is Ct-1 0M 5s 0J tote Old lane Si Id 6s GidtoSi I'l 5s Id ltd 6s Id tods lid Aauast Ss lultoM 6s lid to 5d Sept.

6s Udtole 6s ijdtods Zjd Aartldellrarv. 4s Hid to4s 1 ltd 4sllidro6s CO Jons 4i UM to 4s 4i llid to 5s Gd Jolt 4s tljd to Ss Od Old White Binsar nsr UXlbt Sen Whits 4s 4d to to4s 5d JuwwJaly. iktpiwsnt 4s 5d ed 4s 5d tots 6d Soft Red to4s 3d 4s 2d lo4s 6d Flour coutinoed firm, at rcsterffar'a rates. Indian paresis of all diecripiions ware firmly held foT-ytsCerday's fall pnoee, and Beta fair demand. Forward deliveries of American were more freely offered, and barely maintained yesterday's advance, while round ysL'ow options ruled in- Estimated Mixed 10.000 quartan, ontrprisieg May at 4a 3W.

Juaa aad August 4s fid par ifiO lha. Baud Tallow: WU. 1 A FAII amount of haa been transacted oo the Stock Exchange to-day, and the market generally has be so firm. In Homo not much baa been done, and London fallen J. American efter opening doU, gradually hardened, and finished firmer.

Krie Prelereaee were especially at 23 being idnuiM. Grand Trunk imuee were good, the Committee receiving eatatantial SATCBDAY. support by those largely interested in the railway. Stockholders are urgently requested to give the oemmittee their boat support, and to send them is as sooa as peasiblv. Metican Bails quiet.

In the las on ace list, prices were dull. Manchester Fire dediasd i sad Maritime 1-18. Miscal lessens Shares quiet. Alkali a trifie firmer, a 2 IS-16 to 3. Bait Ua-oa unchanged Cusard I rise to £3 buysra Copispo strong.

II higher. Allsopes dull. Lirsrpool Electric Supply were in good demand, sad rose 3-16 to Mines generally quiet. BUSINESS DONE UP TO ONE O'CLOCK. ORDPfSHV RAILWAY STOCKS.

Def. 43 Metropolitan PRtrUENCf BYOCKK MidlandCoa. HUtTHQ POBSEBAIOHS. tsesdiao PariSe Treat of Osnade 3rd Pref. UM AMERICAN P.

AI LEI I ATI SHAKES. JWVS. LowtarUUS BSbV Mnanun Tinsel IMi KrieAWsst. Il'l Ss Nsw Y'vt. "olnrto.

A Wsst Norfolk A Wssurn Pret pml ts4 ik K. Union Peodo UH Ss AMERICAN RAILROAD Atcbtsnn Osss AO Meuran Central 4p Nsw Esn. Sa in Mors. 16H EOBEIOV Bunas Ayrsstit. South.

MISCELLANEOUS. RackWUvsrwoel London A Blrev tteok Sir i North sod Sooth Weiss Book Pur Beak Rrunnsr Stood Lent Prvf IMfw njj PWlsd AlkehFWg. Ms 11-52 Untied A Bat I Deb. IOPV IMlUhSouth TV 49 CsnsdlsnS Aeiwwwn Most. Pet flrmtsi Owpsrastsn Pskt 4M Cuosrd SUsm (Ship JJSs I'S ifiiL' Uvtraeed 10M TSwm Mori.

UNOFFICIAL QUOTATION A. taw ffiSCELLINEOQS MIRKETS PRODUCE 5 MARKET. Sf IJI 51 II Cram. 0 0 0 0 Ootnra.roo.eo* 6 a 0 is rSSSfI Is 1 ii ss gs. 8 8" nWoKampaO 0 00 Paaa 0 0 0 18 8 8 8 8 58 owl.

1 4 It 1 5 0 CATTLE MARKETS. DONOABrES. stow efealtlc. freuicsstock. Tbsdvmind imu- fr--r Dairy baaau.

CIS to 00; score si-, from Cd to git. A lerssr tosw of sbesp toot. sni sad ore lamb. to I tood show of gig; tounj oss from lb null scores from "caELkUE: SATURDAY Abpat lltsbcwUs hiMtad. mostly brifws or wmtal.qwslWy talrly sueadanos, tad pretty rod treds for bmt tab a eroaod for inlwicr 8m .11 bottom.

£4 ICs to Alt; tost Cll to Ik.wiVl urts to roc ssspoly. but alow st sab KB to 9a LRICtSTEB. aupptyghaflonto. TfWbstaadr. tmtp.torsrery blatt MUk tore.

CUto £lO. bellTcYs. £ll to £ll par bred Yoomc week la toCUr demand. fcbstp and cwlres a steady trade T)EAD MEAT MARKET. LOWDOR.

ttATURD stroplim dbHf.sM a fair trade ottof dcsmtpUnredaU. Eretltah beef ts AeeeebTcece ts (d Amcrkae. bld to Ss; BrtUsh mnuon.Csad 10Se: sml.b«dtots6d lanw Ss Ss Ad small ditto. SaldloSs oovmlry lamb. StodsMperSito.

WOOL MARKET. I.EICSSTBR. isa fall btalosm In toe wool serial, ami lbs supplies Is lbs hands ofkmre are toire rapidly atoortwdUoidOTa In sell onlsm lbs fall Ileal' pHsss. It toiny ImpoMMs to replacsou totter torma Bseoodary sad idsrtar wools are eec re eat. and psltm are tarn Irrsgslar.

OAooWwonU are la eood dsmaod, fug Tbms it more actlrtty WOOLLEN GOODS MARKETS. LEEDB. BATUBDAY -lbs of Ito boot sal abos atrlts ia already smtojmelf frttlotbs ta. had eUiet hrencancalled ovtoet tock '-reo ritb marttu ereooeerened. bitb aswand iwisst oedws are eomtap la a reuenaU 'or taretm tad HMrialHiaa la lbs breacbm lbs demand kaspa for tba Anstrellaa sad aiadlan autre.

wbUs lot tbs Veltsd dutas tome baary brine ftnna bariaem relb lb. fnvt are eSohtuv, so Umt. oooaidaredl ill rouad. prearecta for tbs re.l few moatba are brisbt InttomlUa there more la lbs ttore are aire of active Istsrevwasnt. totoaa ot tokunxbt wlibia rsasoaabU FLAX AND YARN MARKETS.

IRM. UTOUMt mcrm Mat Je Ike hnrlii kiate of OCIK dmatsMom ml aaru cooda Uaan an Qidrt. tan araa aad Id pad luwCdtoataM 8 OOIUC. Pima. Mania.

Ut-rrla. fsortha. Km Ptma. Tto HUd-corad flrtrtaa: Kt: toe mild. Slv KmiCooi) PloaMa lo snfna.

mtM. 1 AMERICAN PRODUCE MARKETS. Wheat opened steady, and is higher for May. and beeaata active aad eid ted. with aa improved erne ml feeling, doe to the larger arporta, foreign baring, ud a tack of off crisp, clou eg trm.

with Deeeabar Je other months la higher. On the kerb, there wee a farther adrmnee of fc. bo demsad for eiport. OwA. AsriJ.

-loir. Am- toW. Oct Nor. Dw. Co 63H SM MH B7H rrwlooi IM 68 Unite opened steady, jo adrsoos for KM, improved furlhtr in the early dealings, sod kept firm all day an shorts covering, closing firm, at advance.

On the kerb, there was further adrnnee of Jc. 300.000 There an absence of srnort demand. AactL star Jose. Aux. Bfflt Oct.

Padsr MFt Oats firm, at je ad ranee. Hay. Floor with a (sacral ly light demand, at 5c advance for spring dears and Mew Toilet. Prsr. day.

wfcrat "Clean sacks Vbn Winter wbrat" Pussls 3Oft .....300 sacks for 339 .330 Oaarrs racks for crsort 230 230 DAILY OR AIM MOVRMUkTS (in UxxaaodsV Hans Ye- dar Wi nh lea last week, WhratrtasMtl- yrar. BaestpO. 111 tB I.W) ..18.194 4..1 4W mil 44.044 IST 116 41.441 191 SU 710 SUCT Bean pes. MissU TTJ J1! IMB 44,194 AUseUo TJ P3O iU 14.1*7 JAW Shipments. West'a 44..

44.. 4 43T5 Raraiou AtUaste. J4S HOT IMB Escorts. tu Lard shewed little variatiso all day. with no special feature in business, doting steady, at 2 to 3 points decline.

There was only a small cash business. AortL 1m Jmlf. An Todaj .7 16 7'16 717 Pr.Aar 716 717 720 Coffee oMeed quiet ul unchanged 10 poicU and after totes early fioctnafcoo weakened le. the a'Dwaeaj of buyers, clming doll and uochanted to 10 poiata down. Seta, 5.700 fairly well distributed.

Ant Scot Oct Oar. tier. tats itio tin Owh. Sept. Oct Dec.

Jut 1M IS It 10 14 10 14 2314 JO 1411 It'll 1411 Jsa utfl. Feb, ma Uuvb Cheese has been steady mirkst. with both (applies en demand tcodcrsis. The week's were 13,000 boiet. wsinst 7,000 botes in the week, wl-3o the aspects totalled 7,800 against 8,000 betes.

Ectre One new. Sc. Bailer has firmer tsndener to drowsing supplies, while the demand continues fairly good. The week's receipts hsrc totalled 37,000 packages, compered with 30,000 io the preceding week. Itccf Elgir.

Creamery anehsaged, el 17c to 20c. market waa steady at tbs beginning of tho week, bat bceeme weaker towards the close. as porters were baring only sparingly, aod prices hate giren war jd for cattle and beef and id for sheep. Cattle. Old to 53d dressed beef.

to 5d sbsep, 2gd to 2fd. The Western hare also shown an easier tendency, prices closing 15? to 20c lower. Best Western rowers, $4.55, against 84.75 last week best natives, 86.15, against $6.30 best-fed Tstsnv 85,40 againrt 85.50. Cattle freight to London. 255.

Shipments Bcaf Bbm CaUle CoUle from Itm from from VMUm. Two Harr V.awm. Aoaoval. U-StoM. Dal Loofee UCO 53..

LHwyM 4.0H 01000 MM UM ASH MOO JAB -MB fe tM Dry following art the la- I enteral port. .13134.200 rA663300 Tbrowo Foreign Dry Goods em rtiil active. nod erika MwjiUr ere firmlv bold. At large nnetion ribbons, on Thuiedey, demand. end rood pHcm were 08 ere quiet -Teffraj's roJeeloeed yesterday the of the itock mill bn ootf beginning on April 30.

Cotton Goods Tbe demand is nth or ion active, hot good buemeae it ill being donn hardening rates; brown For Pnnt Girths, there is again batter Inquiry, a further ndrooealn eonooiaenee FnUKlror. 64 by 64. Sfjfe. against 2 11-lSe lnt-mk. Linens ore only in moderate demand.

chiefly for housebold linn. Burlaps firm, et unchanged prmo heavy, U-ISo light, 2 1116 c. contiane to meet good inquiry, and fancy adapted to the fell trade tbe demand io quite up to expectation. Wool it itoodv. bat tbo feeling io generally quieter, and tbe Weetero markeu oro showing a downward tendency.

Ohio ficccoa at Boiton on- steedyT wi th a alow demand at Utoraten. ftwr. nay. Numerate 3Hk ZZ ToOow atendy and unchanged- IL PKmeCOw UeLde -Copper Arm. with a -lomeM ctofinx unthanoed, at E9.62* to Kn dull and rather weak, dosing lOe lower, at 81365.

Tin plates bars fair trade, at late rates. Pig- Iran ahowa no quotable change. Steel Rails unaltered. at 822.00. CbMWr (meal 875 1385 1378 380 3W Ptetno.

OoUarat. 3000 30 to Sdtete 22-00 220P Frcichta for linen dull, with ample room on berth. Outaidera doll, with a restricted demand. Pror. Jraia Urarooo, nam 1M OnU aoLntew Uoara.

Umia to Otowow. ataaa 2V Orala to (MatoL 3Hd Oram to HolL ante to aamo 3Hd Orala. ooanloranpU 2iBi PewtemtoUJLeeOoiu.l»loSd2»lH4 lalOKd Cottoo toUrarpeol 7-64J Orata.Aatwscp 3d 3Hd Hoar. Uverpeot lOsOd lOsOd QMNuUmml Mresniiw.l to Urwyeel 10s (XI Cauls. London.

bred Petroleum steady, with a light da Certificates dell, the Western Oil rex km operators new bearing the market, the el ore being 23c lower. Pyre. Raft red Wpcv area. Hew dadoed TJowoenl. Orodc.

WtO Otetlfloaus delivery) 197 220 Today. Pres. day. Bar rria. Barrels Ftps tins rent 70.000 gUemsoi' from Od reew K2.000 71.000 Cotton Oil steady and aacbaagtd.

Crude. 23c yellow, 27c. Torpeotine steady, and Jc up. at 321 c. BAVANNAH.

BATOTDST. Turpentioe atcadv. and higher, at 27jc. WILMINGTON. SATCRDAT.

Tarpeatine steady, and ie up. at 3c. Rosin steady and uacoanged. at 81.20. Wheat Ann at advancr.

ST. LOUIS." SeTTiinAT. M'hvat firm, and 12c up. July, hSfc SAN FRANCISCO. BATCH HAT.

Wheat has ruled strong, at a considerable edvenee. Cash. Slav. 9220. The wjak a reports have been 162,000 centals to Great Britain or tor orders, against 266.000 eeotala during the previous weak.

Wheat opened with May ie up. and developed decided strength en covering frwely. with Pardridte leading on light offerings and talk of a of 2600.000 buabeU in the visible supply, closing firm, at lje to Ijc advance. April. May.

Vwna. sty. Nov. Today. "I

69M Meisc opened uoohaeged for May. advaneed from the first, and continued firm throughout the day ea Ught offerings and teod baying, dating firm, and Lin to lge hlghac. AariL May. Jure. air.

Bsot. Oet ffov. 47Yt 4TM Fm.4ay46* 4TA Oak firm, and lie higher. July. 28jfe.

Lard opened with May eaaltsvoA sad ruled brerabw. hot wish a bullish ltwdeacy. in pethv with the hew merit at. staatog sSredy and ucchanged. Thera was fair eaah damant April.

May. Jons. July. Today 090 TO6 7 "20 Pr day. 090 706 790 Ribs way after the opentog.

but recovered later oo peckers dosing steady and aaehanged to pdato higher. A prO. Maj. Jaif. r-vtUy- 630 6 rm.4»871H 637H 840 6 Perk opened tony.

iri 5 higher for May. tbtri declined, bat re I tied auVeeqnenUy on eborU eloaiag ittmij, 2J to 5 poinU adntnee. A era Her Joan. Jatj. 2-36 IST6S 12-60 12TP Baoon at nominal re tee.

Hags were 10 peaate bearer. The Hog reeeipta at the principal Western alnee March let the oommencemrot of the tpriag seaasn, total 2,039,000, aompared with 2,156,000 Uat year. na In- MkMU UgU Kasrp Wmuro dadint llalvne Horn Clilas. Ohlnww. Todar own.

480 17.000 7.000, noo. 470 480 43400 iftooo Uatw. 615 610 23.000 12.000 AM ERICAN HIC COTTON RE POETS. SPECIAL TELEGRAM fraos Soot Cotton markets continue strong. and maintain the advancing tendency.

Galrraton, Now Or lea no, Savannah, and Bfc Louis are 116 and Norfolk aad Auguita dearer. raised quotations 116e to 7e fee the first time this season, with sales amounting to 300 bales. The ecci lenient in futures continues, and today something like 141.0U0 have dealt In, i the market clorint easy, at 6 rise for May. 2 points for Aagust. 4 points for October, and 5 tor January.

The strong cables from Liverpool caused a strong opening here at 9 points over yesterday, which, oodtr active baying for loosl. South era. and European socsont, Innwssed to 12 for May. A reaction took place daring the second hour, to the. liquidation of long Cotton aad heavy to secure profits mads.

Both December aad Jaanary one ad to-Jay. At New Orleans, fntnrea edeaaead 11 to 13 points, hot lent nearly the whale of the gain, elodoc steady. Monday's 'HEsipts at that port are expected to 7,000 The current week's port are estimated at 60,000 to 65.000 bales, against 43,000 bales a year ago. Taking New York and New Orleans together, the bosinsts ia futures amounted this week to about 2.100 000 bales. The drought in Tent still continues.

The spot market at New Orleans closed Brat, and I 160 higher. Exchange unchanged. Fotaree slewed at 9 points for April and 1 to 4 points for Sooth em spot markets closed generally Arm, at an advance of MGe at Oalreiton, Bavaaaah, and St. Loo Li, and Jc pee lb. at Norfolk and Angaria other porta uachanged.

Fine weather eootmnca throajhuat all of the Atlantic aod Gulf States, with an average tempera of GO sod CD degrees respeetiveiv, egainst 57 and 04 degrees ester day. Receipts st the 6,400 bslee; receipts et interior towns, 1,200 bains. Etporss to Greet Britain, 90U bales erporU to tho Continent, bales. The sales of "middling" at Hew York forfntare dslirary 100; ICer, ana. Jnly, Aug tut.

GO.WO; September. October, Norsmher, 4,000: December. 8,300 Janoarr. 1,200 total, 141,000 bales. Selee en the spot, 200 bales- Price of middling en the spot, 7c.

The sales of (stares ah New Orlaatu to 08,000 bales CUKTVO QUOTATIONS fOK HIDDUKO. KEOUTTB AT THE PORTO, BPOT BALSA A STBAH ioS MU- Juir net. "OCTET, LOW CUT clomp pot snows. SEW ORUUkWg MPOT UwNU. lug.

Prerioualaj 6HU gix RATWB or KX CHAN Ru. rvM.r Thura Knv 4HB N. Orleaat. 4H7li BCCXIFTB AND CXPORTR PBOM Sarortey. Mmt.

ItKAI Bcrerm aulf Toru 2.1 i.030 I.SM ira AO.a. Porta IJM fcSfl t.CS A tOO t.SX 6JM TAB tM 4433 7 t0 t.Bi.aotgn.gxttss.icc 3JOJXVXt.SXIttgSXMILWHn.OX 7 554 WC LW.KO S.SJVIW 4.U0.1X MSMX loco Total Iter LXO IAM U3O TotalCVoy ATU.tO OrrsalbttaU VD 11AM 55 MX Coulieani H.OCO VSX TJX Total MO SOX 13J0 U.CCC 9ao mate tfiun uku ikut te-eteoLl) ISM.M 3 VMIOX I.TXSX2.ZX.IX NEW YORK MARKETS. OWN Tba Stock Market has been faltly active day toTV Saturday, treasaetiooe eemjpritiej about 91,000 regularly-Listed shares. and making a total to mover far the week ot about 1.100. iharci.

egeinst 990.000 last year. The market opened steady, but declined during the first hour on farther reelimtieea by traders who bought earlier ia tba week, and were deairew to take accrued ta the Milwaukee. LouisriJle, aad tome others lost i to under these sales. Later on, a general and largely iocreaaed outside demand developed, tod tha whole list showed marked strength under lead of Milwaukee. Early lemma ware mare than recovered, and the el ore was steady.

at generuUr the best prices. and traders expressing bulliah views on Irartag the floor. On Klorthwestern have improved I. Baltimore J. Bt.

Lorni South-Western Chesapeake. Rocfc Island. Kiiuu fkewi Korthern Preferred, and Montana Preferred Atchison wa-ikoe. New Koylaed. and Webeeh red i.

The Moasr market haa easy tba week. Busiaes. In cell loans on good stock oollatarml has reused between the areragn rate being below 3 per cent. money has bono In very moderate requret, tnd has gTown easier, with tba pi up me the we vhort terms are quoted 3 per Si to 4 per rent. As statad yertarday.

oamseereial are bat- statement of tba New York knntulw 8 1.740,900 la the eurpies at toot year, and f14.785.000 two years have centreated during the mt has increased fl. l-rnd t-redar notaa,ooo. and deponitn The silver Was baea featojlrea today, commercial bun remaining at yesterday's quota- Won of 66Je bid, 670 ask ad. To-day's weekly teuad by the sr caetile agencies oo the trnda et the promtoeneete the important part speculation In playing in the current improvement; hot tbey. at tks mme time, agree tbU there la a batter and well dmtribated volume of bnMnem reorganisation committee of the New York and New England Railroad Utilei tar portanew to the renolutiea of the Island State Legislatures whkh prepeeee to limit to.

stock which the read may issue to per mi la whkh is a lees amount than the reerganun- km, of the Jfemnsl ChveiMcto pom eavnlnmWsightyreoeitoskdwtof srrek and the net tamiaga o4 116 reeds dartre the month of February show an inereaee of It! per neat. num. mreuwa hnmsir. rtma IHtoaZ tw Do. im VBOK Do.

tO rtgfci Do. oo DwUo, (tart Do. BXfH MW Pr.An*. aak aw. A'aa.

O.d4X>e«BMda.l3oK DAUDori. Taw. aa. 8 8 30 Do. 71 DaMHatA as 33 Atlantic and PmMo Canada ASK Canadian 46 46 CMaiKnjMw.

86 17 CbwynkatOife. 18V 18V 18V Do. 78V 76 74V 73V 73V 38 MI F. 81 80V 81 80 130 Do. 117 117 80V 86V 85V 30 Do.

Tnt 140 140 09V 88V 80V 88V 30 Oft Im CUT.vOU,*fM.U- 40V 40V 40V 18 CMxrvi Holm. 128 138 Mtwo.Uak.ftW. 168 103 18 13V 40V 40V 40V Do. M. mteohOwxral 0m LaksSbsrs MIS 10 and Sash.

MAS 39 Muhsia. Berated Mtoeuri. 16 7 Do. raooodt risotto 25 10 York Central 00 00 00 8 Lskslns 11 11 10 -Prof. tad MortoMte.

64 64 It. Y. Ait Roxtead. 30 40 It.Y. sod 17 W.

16 North WWIO Northern Pacific Prsf erases 10 Onwoe Isiwies'L 10 PaafieMtJl Phils, sod 2C Do, ty.rn.Bwd... Do. IstlaoosM 90 Ptostaqfkjr.V.hO. 167 167 Keothsra 12 20 Do. Preference 3t'i 34 34 10 tomtom first ft 86 80' aswt a.

el. KK Wabrah.Bt.UAad P. Da. 16H OoUoa Oil OMgpaar 37'4 27V tuxw lUfio. 106 10W ChtacoOMTnM 71V 71V 71V 33V 33V 33V The New York epnt nerket rioted quiet.

en Well edreace ot ife per tb. Ecrkenge aneheogfd. Tto MaOaalft 21V 31V Pa closed etee edreoee ot 2 to 6 OAOerdMUaapdl WerteroCatooTtl. 881'. 10 108 32 Ftmidnnli aoaTQjt BtMiwt rwm IsM! sum, Ires act sbert.

FwbUag tm ibeoUSssu KS ssedsof Ruroomas vhebssapsrfchsdisoosgart erctbsr of Uugrsat Dsrtr Continent. jrt ID Afnas. wbsra, tbe sward kin set wreaabt the decUscUoo Thej lusa thstr thousands of ylsuas, hot mUttoos. Coaqost limn, the grmtstt mm; of No one has dons to lay the timet tow Owo the tseprtstor of BoOewtr- Tills sad Ototmeat. For beitwosetun thae remedies tore bees seeweefallrtfbttaedlsseso ill i DAILY POST be sent port I slirtii la UaitotUafdwaMtM AntaaMk.

toM Mtreoulte Itofcl Tu en Bitoti tUd tor tmiiitoUiiii abroad. auto paaUd aay i si sat 04 IBttturimi ass fnuu su TSE "DAILY POST will be delivereo Jrm la Uswvool aad to barbs to WrtscJued. toltiMmto Ttostoaiwatta DAILY POST EtiASUSaec.

Liverpool Daily Post from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.