Dr Matthew on LinkedIn: Confidential counselling calls were eavesdropped on by strangers (2024)

Dr Matthew

Providing proactive, educational, scientific psychotherapy to help individuals thrive and not just survive. Specialising in compulsive behaviours and behavioural addictions. Mind, Body and Emotional Wellness Limited

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Employment assistance programmes are an important tool to help employees with mental health and well-being challenges. However, is using a huge company as an outside provider the answer? There are some worrying reports coming to light to suggest that the largest provider of this service in the UK has some of the same issues that companies using their services have. Which makes sense really as it’s another large business run by humans for profit, employing humans on a large scale who make mistakes as all humans do. Maybe it’s time to re think employee well-being? Maybe paying money to outsource employees well-being to tick a box is not the answer? Instead, maybe being proactive with the well-being of humans is the way to go? To give them the knowledge to understand how their minds, emotions and bodies work and to provide them with the tools to look after them?

Confidential counselling calls were eavesdropped on by strangers bbc.com



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Mireille Hayden

Founder - Director


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Couldn’t agree more

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patricia martin

Wellness is mindset ; movement; good sleep; nutrient dense food and the breath is the foundation


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That’s shocking

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  • Gethin Nadin

    Award-Winning Psychologist • 2x Bestselling Author • HRs Most Influential Thinker • Author of the Year ‘24 • Mental Health Campaigner of the Year • Top EX Influencer ‘21~‘24 • Chief Innovation Officer, Benefex & Zellis

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    I've been asked a few times for my thoughts on the BBC investigation into alleged poor practices at an Employee Assistance Provider (EAP) recently. I've sold EAP schemes many times in my career, so let me share some thoughts.About 15 years ago I went to the head office of a big EAP provider and witnessed first hand "counsellors" answering the phones. They had laminated talk tracks and my impression back then was that these schemes were designed to ensure people didn't spend too long on the phone. Time was definitely money. However, I believe these practices were driven by the price employers were willing to pay. It was very common for a "race to the bottom" when providers bid for work and it seemed every employer wanted to pay less than £1 per head for the service. In the end, when you're entirely focussed on price and see the purchase as a "box ticking exercise", how often would the quality of the service come to mind?Thankfully, most have moved away from that mindset and today you can find some very high quality EAP services, with excellent support and a ton of additional value. But the reality in all of this, is employers have to be discerning buyers, focussed on quality and price. The workplace wellbeing industry is like the Wild West. There's snake oil and unqualified cowboys around each corner. There can be no "box ticking", you have to find the evidence behind the products and read the case studies. It's the only way to ensure your people get the health and wellbeing support they need. Some thoughts I shared with People Management magazine last week.https://lnkd.in/eYBV6-uy

    Are EAPs delivering value for money? peoplemanagement.co.uk



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  • Tripak Pharmaceuticals


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    Being part of a family business has it advantages.The regulations to manage psychosocial risks in the workplace aim to raise awareness and encourage action without adding unnecessary complexity for businesses. The goal is to provide a framework for addressing psychosocial risks, which include factors that could cause psychological harm, such as unachievable job demands, poor workplace relationships, and harassment. Despite Covid restrictions easing, psychological claims are rising, underscoring the need for businesses to address psychosocial hazards to maintain a healthy, productive workforce. Key control measures include considering job design, work systems, and the workplace environment. Consultation with workers is crucial for identifying and mitigating these risks.Different jurisdictions are at various stages of adopting regulations, with some already having codes in place. Employers must document, maintain, and regularly review measures to ensure their effectiveness, adapting them to the specific needs of their workforce. Collaboration across all levels of the business is essential to effectively manage these risks and create a supportive work environment.See the full story here. https://lnkd.in/gKGYyZeC

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  • Dave Sykes

    ALL THINGS TEAMS! - Employee Benefits & Engagement ◆ Teams Coach ◆ Clifton Strengths coach ◆ Employee Value Propositions - I help companies grow, by creating strong collaborative environments for employees to thrive.

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    Employee Assistance Programmes are a critical benefit for employees. This shows why not always looking for the cheapest option and product selection is so important. https://lnkd.in/eSxW6hrm

    Workplace mental health service firm faces investigation bbc.co.uk


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  • Daria Fedorova

    Co-founder and Chief Operations Officer at Empatia. ACSTH ICF coach.

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    How business helps employeesThe number of business requests for psychological services for the team is only growing; over the past year, for example, it has increased by 15%. Therefore, when we talk about the trend of caring for the mental health of employees, these are not just words.☝ There are changes in the composition of the "most caring companies." If earlier the main customers of psychological services were the FMCG segment, the banking sector, and generous IT companies, today classical industries have joined them. The critical shortage of personnel forces them to create more attractive working conditions.In addition to retaining staff, companies expect that psychological support will help reduce burnout, the number of sick leaves, and increase employee engagement. The problem remains that not all employees are willing to share personal information with a corporate psychologist. According to our platform, on average, only 10–12% of employees come to an employer-paid consultation at least once, even if all information about their requests and complaints remains confidential. How many team members will take advantage of the opportunity to attend consultations also depends on internal communications in the company: how well employees are informed about benefits, and whether managers and HR conduct a PR campaign for new advantages. Encouraging employees to use support programs is really important. Despite the difficulties, the addition of psychological support programs to the list of benefits offered by companies is becoming widespread. Someone invites a corporate psychologist, someone signs a contract with platforms—the very desire of the business to support employees is important.


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  • David Sillitoe

    Employment Solicitor - Chambers 2024 ranked

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    New research from Mental Health First Aid England, released to mark My Whole Self Day (12 March 2024) reveals almost 1 in 3 employees (31%) have experienced at least one form of microaggression or discriminatory behaviour from their manager in the past six months, the HR Director reports. It continues:Misspelling or mispronouncing employee’s names, exclusionary comments around people’s age, working pattern, personal life, and physical or mental health are most cited among list of negative behaviours facing the country’s workforce.Half (47%) of White British people say they’ve experienced discriminatory behaviour from managers, rising to 57% of Asian or Asian British workers, and 72% of Black or Black British employees.Two-thirds (66%) of employees aged 18-34 say they’ve experienced exclusionary acts from managers, compared to 38% of those aged 45-64.My Whole Self is the campaign for workplace culture change, led by MHFA England. The social enterprise is calling on employers to create cultures where people feel safe to bring their whole self to work to drive improvements in mental health and performance.The findings, among 2,000 employees, show the most common negative comments or assumptions managers have made, in the past six months, relate to people’s age, working patterns, personal life, and physical or mental health. Misspelling or mispronouncing people’s names also make the top five.More broadly, the most cited exclusionary behaviours employees experience from management includes ‘not getting credit for work done, ‘favouritism of other employees’, and ‘sarcasm’. Overall, almost half of employees (48%) have experienced one or more forms of discriminatory or exclusionary acts from their manager in the past six months.There are noticeable differences among people’s experiences. Across working ages, while two thirds (66%) of those aged 18-34 state they’ve experienced these behaviours from managers, only 38% of those aged 45-64 say that’s the case. Alongside this, whilst half (47%) of White British employees saw this type of action from managers, this rises to 57% of Asian or Asian British workers, and 72% of Black or Black British employees.Over 1 in 7 employees also said these microaggressions left them feeling that they couldn’t be their whole self at work. MHFA England is calling for employers to act by creating environments where everyone is able to bring their whole self to work. That includes background, sexuality, religion, gender, health and mental health. My Whole Self aims to create workplace cultures where people have the safety and freedom to choose which parts of their identity they share at work, without fear of judgement.#hr #humanresources #hrdirector #hrmanager

    Toxic workplaces: 1 in 3 employees experience microaggressions and discriminatory behaviour https://www.thehrdirector.com


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  • Chris Hewitt

    I connect and support workplace wellbeing professionals

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    I was doing some research on the effectiveness of EAPs earlier this week and came across this cool Australia-New Zealand study from the University of South Australia: Contextualising the Effectiveness of an Employee Assistance Program Intervention on Psychological Health: The Role of Corporate Climatehttps://lnkd.in/g2uTGfGV. (YesI’m aware I probably have a strange definition of ‘cool’... 🤓) To cut to the chase: EAP works, but EAP works more effectively in workplaces with a better culture. If an organisation gives a person access to EAP, then that person returns to a fundamentally toxic work environment, it's onlyputting a short-term bandage on the problem. So far, so logical. But it was the last session of the abstract really caught my eye: "EAPs could engender a more significant impact by also assisting organisations to improve their Psychosocial Safety Climate (i.e., through implementation of policies, practices and procedures for worker psychological health and safety), in combination with individual interventions."In other words, EAPs are more effective if they’re working with a business at a more strategic level to help it understand its psychosocial risks - and building the wellbeing capability at an organisational and team level, rather than solely supporting people at the individual level. Additionally, the research “underscores the fundamental expanded role for EAPs in the future to insist on corporate evidence of the PSC or to play a role in assessing it, in the interests of providing an effective service.”So if you’re in a wellbeing role, consider asking your EAP provider how they can help you proactively understand and manage psychosocial risk in your organisation. Don’t be afraid to be more demanding and ask some searching questions!

    Contextualising the Effectiveness of an Employee Assistance Program Intervention on Psychological Health: The Role of Corporate Climate ncbi.nlm.nih.gov



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  • Umbrella Wellbeing


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    New interesting research from Australia and New Zealand suggests that Employee Assistance Programs may be more effective in workplaces with a better culture. At Umbrella, we often advocate for adopting a holistic, systems approach when it comes to workplace wellbeing interventions. If EAPs are well integrated into an organisation's wellbeing goals and strategy, organisations and employees are more likely to see improvements in employee psychological health and wellbeing. If you want to learn more about effective EAP services, visit our website: https://lnkd.in/gzyBUUzz


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  • Stuart Falconer

    Human Resources Consultant at Morgan Thomson HR

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    HR plays a pivotal role in supporting employees through their darkest hours. When an employee attempts to take their own life, HR must step in with empathy, understanding, and a robust support system. I had to do just that this week and I'm glad I had the skills to do so. Open communication, encouraging professional help-seeking, and destigmatising mental health are essential aspects of my role in this situation.Implementing a comprehensive support programme and offering flexible work arrangements can contribute significantly to an employee's recovery. HR can help these individuals regain their strength and ensure their wellbeing remains a top priority.Do you have these skills within your business? Do you know what staff are struggling with? For a free no-obligation chat, contact me on 0345 095 0139 or stuart@morganthomsonhr.co.uk


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  • Ayden Downey

    I'm passionate about using tech to better people's lives

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    Anyone who has interacted with me in a professional capacity over the past four years is likely aware of my distinct aversion to most Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). My critiques of them, once seen as controversial, center around a critical point.The crux of my argument has always been that "EAPs profit by not connecting individuals to the services they promise purposefully". Imagine the scenario where someone, in a moment of genuine need, reaches out to an EAP only to be told they're 'not unwell enough' to warrant help. Consider the immense bravery it takes for a person to seek help, only to be turned away.This practice is precisely why they're able to offer what appears to be an exceptional service at such a low monthly fee per employee. Seems too good to be true, doesn't it?This morning, the BBC posted this article.The EAP model has been broken for a long time and it's time to invest in providers who actually provide the support you're expecting and promising to your people.I might get a bit of hate for this post but enough's enough. Let's stop ticking boxes for the lowest cost possible and invest in providers who have a tangible impact.

    Workplace mental health service firm faces investigation bbc.co.uk


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Dr Matthew on LinkedIn: Confidential counselling calls were eavesdropped on by strangers (39)

Dr Matthew on LinkedIn: Confidential counselling calls were eavesdropped on by strangers (40)


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Dr Matthew on LinkedIn: Confidential counselling calls were eavesdropped on by strangers (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.